Here is a little bit more information on the Charity:
I am sure most of you know about Stefanie, as she was a columbus resident, and a leader in Cancer research.
The Official name of the Fund:
The Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute
Since 1999, more than $6.5 million has been raised by the Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center -- Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute. Through your support:
• laboratory discoveries are being translated into effective treatments and new drugs for breast cancer patients;
• a tumor bank has been established to collect, categorize and investigate new risk factors and effective treatments for breast cancer; and
• financial assistance is provided for breast cancer patients to help cover a variety of needs.
To find out more about how the fund supports breast cancer research at The James and our active community partners, visit us online at