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Everything posted by lilmiller74

  1. Mickeys all the way!! They worked amazing on my old vette on the street.
  2. Shits gay....should a termi swapped it!!
  3. Damn you Sam!! Sam has aids, don't sell it to him!
  4. Fs: 98 Camaro, 115k miles. Has a umi tubular k member, 2in cowl hood and a 3.73 gear. $1000 http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/123951_1_zpsac33b029.jpg http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/123951_2_zpsedb0f27e.jpg http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/123951_zpsd71ace3a.jpg http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/IMG_20130807_093757_349_zps207cd8f6.jpg http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/IMG_20130809_191130_187_zpsd52d3f25.jpg
  5. http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/IMG_20130729_200734_425_zps38b7d2a2.jpg
  6. Cloth fbody seats out of a 98 camaro, good condition $200 4L60e also out of a 98 camaro, 115k miles and shifts great SOLD Stock 10 bolt out of the same 98 camaro with a 3.73 gear $250 2in Cowl hood 98-02 camaro $400 Umi ls1 fbody k member $500 Fbody t-tops $150 Any misc. parts you may need ask me and I will let you know if Ive got them
  7. It is fiberglass. I think it is Nissan blue but I'm not positive
  8. Seems to be a two inch cowl hood, it was on the car when i got it. $400. shoot me a text 614-580-7735 or pm me. http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/IMG_20130923_084804_551_zpsfa09f774.jpg http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/IMG_20130923_084754_494_zpsdbe8e4c3.jpg http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/IMG_20130923_084724_860_zpse701c973.jpg
  9. Like the title says, 4th gen umi k member for sale, brand new with motor mounts...$500. Message or text me614-580-7735 http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/Screenshot_2013-09-23-02-03-59-1_zps7969a886.png
  10. Yea I will separate...shoot me a text...614-580-7735
  11. Thanks for still owing me 10 bucks too!! On another note, are you going to be out next weekend for the festivities up that way ryan?
  12. Yes Ive got video of it running....I pulled the motor because I'm putting a different motor in it
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