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Everything posted by lilmiller74

  1. The bottle was on dummy, the noid stuck shut.
  2. Even playing field....:gtfo:I would ask if you are dumb, but i know the answer......
  3. you barly beat me motor to motor, 1 1/2 cars and you made 30 more wheel than me....
  4. Fillup+imstock2=potato raceing 2013 nunchuck wielding drag racers beware!
  5. Yea but marks car also went 10s when it only had bolt ons...When in the middle of his h/c build he also claimed low 11s high 10s and that never happened either.
  6. http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/Fig6_palm_of_hand_zps408b0059.jpg http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/pond1_zps49fa8543.jpg
  7. http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/demotivational_posters_52_zpsd4bde706.jpg
  8. I attend various things, but i tend to rate a shot at what the motor is built to handle..I.E. If the motor is built to take a 300 shot then i would consider a 200 shot a medium shot.
  9. I remember a cretin orange c6 wit a 416 that made around 900 on the medium shot!
  10. http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/image_zps1207e102.jpg
  11. Your welcome sir! I cant wait to see the car this year!
  12. Imstock...pivot man 2013!
  13. http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/527948_560119664013257_905833762_n_zps9612c0f9.jpg
  14. http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/486686_10200652784186203_1173645278_n_zps81fba941.jpg
  15. Don't you think you should try for a sub 12 second pass before you claim single digits?
  16. duuhh umm gtr=bitch made......manal stret cars on pump gas r wey moor empresive too meh!
  17. I can bet money that everyone on here will agree that I did the rite thing by getting on there and defending brian when he was not there to defend himself. Even though you did not say his name or his shop you compleatly threw him under the bus when it was your fault 100%
  18. The brain trauma is probably from getting face fucked the Taliban why you were there.
  19. I did beat you remember? http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i349/lilmiller74/2007-12-17_180041_50_bill_zps09e8b019.jpg
  20. Today students we we be learning shapes and colors!
  21. My pile? You have a salvage title vette that comes in the ugliest color they came in with a shotty carbon fiber hood. Might i also remind you of your ugly ass red interior lights and blue reverse lights...your car is a hunk of shit tossed together by a failing special ed student!
  22. Because real marines brag about there disability check....
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