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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Probably needed a firmware update. Also, you're going to want to install this http://www.groths.org/?page_id=322
  2. have you tried repairing the disk in disk utility?
  3. Bricked and a crack in the screen. $100,000,000? I'm not sure if any personal information is obtainable on my phone in the event someone did get it working, so I'm probably not going to sell it. Batteries maybe.
  4. My thunderbolt died of unknown causes, just went into boot loops. Tried flashing new software, but no go. Another Thunderbolt would be awesome if someone has one, but I'll take anything thats somewhat recent. Let me know what you have, no phone sucks!
  5. You got off easy bro. This happened to me a bit over a week ago. http://i.imgur.com/V2cyll.jpg
  6. :megusta: It's going to be the cheapest and best looking "paint job" you get for it.
  7. gay gay and a steaming hot pile of french gay
  8. watdafuq evrything I typed went away. Anyways, its fake, not satire. It's written by a bunch of homophobic anti-gay people. The people responding are doing so in satire, because they probably know it. http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/You+really+think+someone+would+do+that+.+Just+go+on_981b71_3201562.jpg
  9. I wonder how long it holds up... Do it to a new car, sell car later with perfect paint.
  10. Anyone else seeing that Romney has done more anti-gun stuff in the past than Obama has? Obama hasn't touched guns at all has he? I doubt he will, it's not hot on his agenda nor is anti-gun being lobbied much in congress right now. Election years just get everyones jimmies rustled and drive ammo prices way up. Fucking hoarders.
  11. Gunenvy stopped selling by the case on their website
  12. fuck wendys if mcdonalds eva got rid dem angus u can call me jimmie rustles
  13. Same, or whenever it looks dirty.I just don't believe in mobil-1 anymore.
  14. What oil is everyone running for summer? Any deals locally?
  15. It uses hydraulic valve lifters/tappets. The noise does not occur after the car has sat for a few hours, until the oil becomes aerated again. I'm around 90% certain on this right now.
  16. I listen to my own talk radio while driving. It guest stars other drivers, and I interview them on why they are so slow and drive like fucking idiots.
  17. That would be awesome. I'll shoot you a PM when I decide to start the job.
  18. I don't want to use jack stands for this job, I'm using my own as a just in case.
  19. I'm not getting to the lifters or the tappets, they are more than likely fine. It's a known issue for the o-rings in the sump to fail, and cause a lot of air to get into the system. They all tend to fail around the same time, and usually fail soon after a oil change. My issue started about a hundred miles after an oil change. I changed the oil again then, thinking it was an oil issue, but no dice. http://www.matthewsvolvosite.com/forums/download/file.php?id=5580&t=1
  20. A while back a tick started on my motor, sounded like its coming from the head. Then I noticed a lot of tiny air bubbles in the oil once it got warm. Searching around turns out it was probably the tappets making the noise, due to improper lubrication, since air doesn't pump well. blah blah blah here is a video from a while ago, turn your volume down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM-JeeyedQE&feature=plcp# TICKTICKTICKTICKTICKTICK Parts are on their way. Does anyone have car ramps that I could barrow so I can tackle this job? I need my jack to lift the motor a bit so I can get the oil pan out, and ramps are recommended.
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