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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. came here for this first person to post a pic gets +rep
  2. Why are the quantity of meals HD Resolutions? Marketing much?
  3. The charger has the LS9 Hemi. The Ram has the Powerstroke.
  4. I don't see it. The beauty in my shotgun is that I can beat the living hell out of it and it will still kill a bull moose with a 26" erection. That gun just looks like a silver smith got carried away with some peyote. If you ever need replacement parts for an 870 I'd like to know what make and model of bulldozer was used on the gun.
  5. I used luxriot once, it seemed sturdy.
  6. unfunnyryan

    Apple Pie

    probably came from the cinnamon sticks, unless it was covering the top, I wouldn't worry. Also in my experience brewing beer, if sugary substances get to the bottom of the pan and don't get stirred around, they caramelize and can eventually turn into a black plasticy looking substance. And if it takes you that much to get drunk, you should be giving it to me :masturboy:
  7. unfunnyryan

    Diablo 3

    its 500% of whatever your +dmg from items. Then skills will often says 120% dmg. like jeffro just said, in your character/inventory page it will say damage on the list, thats how much total you're doing.
  8. unfunnyryan

    Diablo 3

    Yes, absolutely. The item/damage system is, quite honestly, stupid and boring as fuck in this game. Here are the stats that matter. +dmg & attack speed +vitality +dex/intel/strength, whatever your character uses. That's it. Because skills aren't independently chosen like in diablo 2, items are dumbed way the fuck down as far as stat importance.
  9. I bet they didn't even change the cabin air filter since most of the time it takes more than 8.25 seconds to get to.
  10. http://i.imgur.com/ONjil.png
  11. There is a chance that OTA destroyed my phone entirely. I had OTA updates blocked, but who knows. Oh well, got my bionic today for only $150, so I'm not worried.
  12. Maybe if it was a sherman and $50,000 less.
  13. Let me be more specific The number of ft-lbs of torque made is likely greater than the number of the weight of the car in lbs.
  14. unfunnyryan

    Diablo 3

    change your playstyle and skills. Every hero can complete the game solo without much effort with the right skills. Your equipment probably blows donkeys too, I'll see if I can find some shit for you.
  15. Parents recently had driveway torn up entirely and reshaped, AJ Asphalt. They did a really good job.
  16. What's the point? There is a new, similar samsung monitor for the same price. Just doesn't have hdmi.
  17. naw shit i aint original So I'm about 16, right, and I always go down to this bank to take money out. I only had a savings account so I didn't have an ATM card at the time. There was always this cute chick working there. She'd always smile and greet me, and I'd always try to go to her line. As she was a bank teller, I only saw her sitting down. This is important later. One day, I just work up all the confidence I can and I ask her out as I'm taking out some money. She said yes! So we set up a time around the weekend for me to come over and pick her up. She gives me her number, I get her address, and I skip home (not literally, but you know) as happy as can be. So it's the weekend, and I drive up to her house in my little beat up honda. I knock on her door and her dad answers. A split second of "oh shit" comes over me, but he just gives me this heartwarming smile and invites me into this house. I instantly feel at ease and we go sit down in the living room. Her dad is all happy like "i'm so glad you're taking my daughter out" and "i really really appreciate it" and all this crazyness. So i'm starting to think to myself "uh oh what have i gotten myself into" So her dad reaches into his pocket and pulls out a set of car keys. He says "I want you to take my car." I said "No thats okay I have my car" He's all like "no no no" practically forcing the keys into my hand. Still keeping his big smile on his face. No sooner does he give me the keys than do I hear from up the stairs "BZZZZZZZZZZ" No shit, she's in a wheelchair! A split second of shallow human being comes over me, but I think about it and say to myself " I can do this! She's awesome and has a great personality, fuck it!" We go outside, and I realize why her dad wanted me to take his truck. It was all rigged up with the belts and harnesses and the door that came all the way out for the wheelchair. So I took his truck, and we head to the movies. Best part? The handicap spot! So we're in the theater, and no sooner does the movie start, than she starts putting her hands on my junk! She's a freak! That's totally cool with me! We start making out almost during the whole movie. My parents are out of town that weekend, so I ask her if she wants to come back to my place. She says Yes so we get back in her dads truck and we're on the way to my house. We arrive at my house, I have stairs, so I have to carry her inside. Thankfully my room is on the first floor. So i get her inside, throw her on the bed, and we start going at it. I've got her in missionarry position, it's pitch black in my house and i'm pounding the fuck out of her, when all of a sudden i hear a "POP" Sure as shit, her leg fucking comes off. She's got a fake fucking leg! How did I miss that shit? "KEEP GOING" she screams as I pull her leg and throw that shit across the room. So I'm fucking her and fucking her and sure as shit, I hear another POP! So I pull her leg just like I'm pulling yours.
  18. where in ua :masturboy: The CTS-V is a good mention. If you can sacrifice sportiness for ultra luxury, get a few year old Equus, if you can even find one.
  19. unfunnyryan

    Diablo 3

    Just wait till you get to nightmare and it graduates you from baby mode to getting it in the butt from bubba the hellspawn mode.
  20. You want to guess who manufactured that statistic for additional business opportunity?
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