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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. bro threads make me hurt small forest critters.
  2. +1 with custom router firmware like DD-WRT you could set up multiple wireless keys so even if he had access he couldn't readily decrypt all of your information. Also if you had his router going to yours via ethernet and his assigning addresses on a different subnet then you would \be fine.
  3. I'm going with my mom to get her one.
  4. Walmart on bethel doesn't have any sort of target stuff at all Will I be good if I just staple a piece of cardboard to some wooden stakes?
  5. Sig 522. There is a nice looking one in front of my house..
  6. Probably going to see about getting the permit tonight or early tomorrow and heading out there tomorrow. Need to get out of the house while realtors are here showing off the house to people. Good shooting time
  7. What is required to go there? It looks like you can get a annual range permit for $24 (and they say it is available at walmart on bethel) and thats all I can find? Are there any other cost? I imagine there is gear requirements like ear/eye protection. Also, what times are they open? This information isn't being too easily found. Thanks.
  8. sand blast and oil. I wouldn't want anything in my oil pant that isn't oil.
  9. what the fuck were they shooting it with, 22 subsonics?
  10. Finished it up on sunday, it was night so I didn't take pictures. Decided to go out in the rain and get some real quick. http://imgur.com/wwquCl.jpg http://imgur.com/VM5xZl.jpg It looks really good from a distance but has no shine up close. I am going to wait a bit for the paint to harden up and then hit it with some polish and see if I can restore it a bit. I still need to work on the scratches left on the bottom bit of the trim, and on the trunk lid.
  11. i just pull my dick out and sit on a lawn chair on the side of 315 and they come to me.
  12. http://img2.moonbuggy.org/imgstore/i-control-the-southern-hemisphere.jpg
  13. I'll forward this along to my dad, since the new house has a huge ass yard. I won't be living there to mow for him so he might appreciate this..
  14. Nope, did file a police report though. I got paid in kilos.
  15. Last night I got started on the priming, out of boredom. http://imgur.com/stTUel.jpg These colors don't match at all http://imgur.com/0i1Ibl.jpg Today led to MORE SANDING, which of course led to more priming once again...and then sanding. http://imgur.com/CpHm6l.jpg Enough fuckery, time to get started on the black. http://imgur.com/48ex7l.jpg While waiting for the paint to dry, I decided to clean up some of the trim thats removed from the bumper using my proven method of smearing the shit out of it with peanut butter. http://imgur.com/vUB6ml.jpg http://imgur.com/RyNVNl.jpg http://imgur.com/F0fhdl.jpg Delicious. TO DO: Clear coat, reassemble.
  16. Weathers nice, and if I can do it then you can too. Better hurry up though, weather says rain on monday and all throughout the week.
  17. That thing is badass. I'd drive it as-is. I bet it could look amazing with some fresh paint and body work. Maybe a 454 or 502 swap since it obviously has the room
  18. Am I the only one who thinks those wheels are badass in a ugly-retro kind of way?
  19. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1025/4605376026_c0c026820e_b.jpg
  20. Some of the rounds just spray shrapnel everywhere. Small bits of shrapnel are only going to maim, not kill
  21. So in june I was in a minor accident with two possible illegal immigrants. They spoke no english, and the only real words I could get out of them was "no police." Nuff said. Fuck em, my car did more damage to theirs than they did to mine anyways. Here is my bumper right after. The paint took quite a beating and is chipped in some areas, but the trim is okay. The paint honostly doesn't look awful but some of the scratches are deep enough + the chipping means I have to sand it down and get it all painted. http://imgur.com/MD2WTl.jpg So on to getting it fixed a few weeks later... Hey bumper..what are you doing there all alone? http://imgur.com/CKGT9l.jpg Oh god thats not a buffer WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON http://imgur.com/JKcH4l.jpg Scratch? What scratch? All I see is a lack of scratches (and paint) http://imgur.com/bSsjEl.jpg Thats all for today. TOMORROWS AGENDA: Prime, paint, clear coat, reassemble.
  22. felt smaller to me, but i didnt compare them side by side.
  23. Yellow and black wires on the 4 pin connectors will get you 12 volts. To turn the power supply on, take a large staple from a staple gun or something and use it to connect the green wire on the 24pin connector to any of the black wires on it.
  24. moderately sized, but not fuck you huge like the evo or the HD2
  25. car battery charger or a computer power supply
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