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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Guy probably gets some mad ass.... I wonder how often he makes the condom magically disappear?
  2. I've heard a LOT of these stories and have plenty of gay/bi friends my self, and I can tell you this. Because his dad is a "Genuine Catholic" he was probably raised in fear of being gay or coming out. The fear of rejection from his dad is probably what led to some of the "gayer" things such as cross dressing. Its the epitome of "daddy issues"
  3. As long as this is limited to the higher agencies (DEA, CIA, FBI) I don't have a HUGE problem with this, since they are usually only going after top-tier criminals.
  4. to be fair the dog was wearing lipstick
  5. +1, and mix other chemicals as well. SCIENCE!
  6. Nah. There is a simple solution to this kind of thing. Don't record yourself fucking dogs. You can go ahead and do it I guess, just don't post it on the internet.
  7. joomla will give you professional functionality with out adding a bit of code, it requires a lot of customization though to not make it look like any other joomla page.
  8. after about 6 months gas gets really unstable. Around a year and its nearly useless. Siphon it out and make a big fireball somewhere.
  9. Sounds hot..makes me want to take the sawzall to some pipes now..
  10. unfunnyryan

    App holes

    Wait, did you even READ any of those links in comparison with what you originally said? They do NOT kill your phone and they do NOT activate it remotely. Go right ahead and remove me from this thread, but you are simply wrong here. Remote destruction of a device has never been a part of any android phone. Do you think Google would be happy with that? Oh, and thats horse face to you.
  11. unfunnyryan

    App holes

    Thats a straight up lie. The Droid X "e-fuse" is to prevent corrupted firmware from being loaded, not rooted firmware. They can not brick your phone if you root it. The only one who can brick your phone, is yourself. My moms droid x is rooted, with no problems whatsoever. There may be a custom bootloader out now too, I just haven't looked.
  12. I'm sure with a pulley and tune you could probably pick up another 100hp.
  13. limo, hookers, and a pile of coke. best fun/weekend car IMO.
  14. Wonderful place! Its close by and the people there are incredibly friendly. Glad to see they are back open.
  15. I think you all missed the point on why this shouldn't be a big deal and why it has blown so far out of proportion. I don't see any of you complaining about catholic churches being built next to preschools and playgrounds.
  16. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! http://imgur.com/nsfQK.jpg
  18. I've been waiting for another one of these threads to pop up to post this. http://www.cracked.com/blog/3-reasons-the-ground-zero-mosque-debate-makes-no-sense/ It's all a big cover up to distract you from the real problems, like the crab people. http://imgur.com/BPXbp.png
  19. PRO: Great for picking up college bros CON:
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