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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Its like biology all over again, except a bullet is a lot quicker than a knife.
  2. You've finally made me realize that all customer support is useless.
  3. Last year my friend and I just hanged out at the boob painting area.
  4. I'll come watch and eat your food Nah I will try to lend a hand wherever possible, I'm pretty handy (pun most definitely intended)
  5. this thread makes me happy
  6. unfunnyryan


    Do not talk to the other person if they call you again. Do not tell them anything more. Do not admit to anything to anyone. If you say you did something wrong somewhere, you will get fucked if he fights his ticket and wins.
  7. AHAHHAHAHAHHAHA Apple: "This is not a mistake, the phone is designed to not be touched, only looked at and masturbated to"
  8. if you have a system eating mobos then your power supply is a piece of shit.
  9. unfunnyryan


    friend in cleveland felt it.
  10. An iphone to look pretty and a phone on another carrier for when he wants to actually make calls.
  11. I just saw a video of all of them playing am i evil simultaneously. Pretty cool.
  12. Coming in 2.2, built in free tethering. Plenty of tether apps available for free by other means. Removable battery Upgradeable/removable storage Verizon, or for that matter, any network that ISN'T at&t Widgets TRUE multitasking Syncing of contacts/calendars/email for free, no $99/year mobileme bullshit System-wide notification system, instead of the iphones "view notification now or never" No need to use itunes App refunds I'll stop at 10.
  13. Only if the volumes going to be turned to the max.
  14. I've ridden in that 944 and can vouch for the condition its in.
  15. Someone needs to step up and yell at these people. A good verbal ass whooping followed by the cheers of the community should make them GTFO.
  16. Does it have flash?
  17. unfunnyryan


    Conspiracy by BP to win back customers.
  18. unfunnyryan

    Droid X

    720p screen? As in 1280x720? Makes the iphones 960x640 that apple jizzed all over about seem pretty sad
  19. I got a big spool of older cat5 you can take. e: no ends on it iirc
  20. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1937652
  21. methamphetamine is a helluva drug.
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