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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Just use toothpaste, rub it in and spray it off.
  2. unfunnyryan

    Ubuntu 10.04

    Looks like every other version of ubuntu with different colors. I'll pass until ubuntu can do something that any other os cant.
  3. does the slowvo count as a beater? I will take on any v6 suv.
  4. beat me to it..heheh.
  5. I will also do this for significantly less than the asking price.
  6. any decent compound should clear it up without any trouble.
  7. but I get to wear the horse mask.
  8. I'd do it for $100, sober.
  9. Intel core i3 processor, 2gb ram, windows 7. I have a lot of experience with several media center machines.. what exactly do you want to accomplish?
  10. I CHALLENGE YOU TO A RACE AROUND THE WORLD http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kowidmwWoC1qzqvm2o1_400.jpg
  11. I don't believe it. Pics or GTFO.
  12. it is one of the slowest android phones if memory serves me correctly.
  13. More inventive than most of the other hillbilly junk, and way cooler than a motorized barstool.
  14. No arguing with this one.. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2007/10/images_608_2_1_450.jpg Currently approaching 3 million miles. http://www.autoblog.com/2007/10/26/man-with-2-6-million-mile-volvo-p1800-aims-for-3-million/
  15. http://www.burnsvilleoffroad.com/Articles/05_11_06c.aspx http://www.burnsvilleoffroad.com/images/articles/monthly_05_11_06c/VIPERTJ1004060001.jpg
  16. I'd say you are pretty damn lucky. People spend years in caves looking for diamonds and dont find them nice and already cut like that lol
  17. he doesn't live near you
  18. I don't care how he doesn't reproduce, as long as he doesn't.
  19. unfunnyryan


    I am trained to measure repost without a repost gun, and I can tell you this repost was way over the limit.
  20. I have the same kit. I just molded the 2 clay bars together to make one nice big easy to hold thing of clay. Works well enough for my needs, although its getting pretty dirty and needs replaced.
  21. If you have electric/showers while camping you are doing it wrong. My friend has a bunch of "farm land" with a forest area we go camping at. No electric, no showers. Hell we only use cars to cook food on the exhaust manifold, don't even use them for light.
  22. I love the paint (or lack thereof) on the car. Gives it a mad-max feeling.
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