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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. fuck If I had room I'd take both. Pretty sure you cant get laid with 4 monitors though.
  2. If I win the lottery, I'm buying cars meant to be driven and driving them. The rarer the better.
  3. I was guaranteed by someone on the phone we'd have it by the end of 2016, but you know how that goes them being sales people after all. Just ran speedtest at my parents with speedtest-cli Selecting best server based on latency... Hosted by Time Warner Cable (Columbus, OH) [17.30 km]: 16.426 ms Testing download speed........................................ Download: 70.08 Mbit/s Testing upload speed.................................................. Upload: 5.94 Mbit/s
  4. TIL. I've asked a few of my friends in cbus and they've all been moved to 24.92 as well last night. Any guesses why?
  5. every 50mbit plan has been 60mbit for a while now
  6. Last night my parents TWC went down and had an IP change (I have a server in their basement, so I always know when it goes down) IP changed to an IP range I've never seen before from TWC. I'm wondering if this is part of a network upgrade that is long overdue from them, and if increased speeds are on the way. Unfortunately they only have a modem that bonds on 8 channels, so I can't see more than that. If anyone has a SB6190 or other modem that'll bond on 32 downstream channels, I'd love to see how many you're getting. For those curious the IP went from 71.151.x.x to a 24.92.x.x network.
  7. I would have guessed 25 pages, not words. Someone should gather all of his post together and calculate where he is on the spectrum
  8. I've been wrestling with my insecurities all my life
  9. So anyone with gigabit.. how much do I have to pay you a month to put a server in your house? As a bonus I'll provide you with pfsense based firewall
  10. I'm guessing to use safely you'd have to lift each side only an inch or two at a time and then go back to the other side?
  11. Bouncer gigs can pay pretty well
  12. Great work. Any chance of getting a list of steps and products used?
  13. it's less about the blade and more about how you present yourself ie: look like a guy with a legitimate tool vs looking like a tool with a illegitimate weapon
  14. you can get a nexus 5x new for $260 on ebay
  15. If I can pick up a used year old one for 30k 2 years from now...yes.
  16. Much of the IT world is nothing but googling error messages. If you can do that, you can do anything.
  17. or use qbittorrent instead of that ad-ridden junk
  18. Also on Sprint. It is a life saver when your internet goes out, especially if you do any remote work. I tether on Android though, rooted, etc, unlimited tethering. Love it. Real unlimited data = yes
  19. beats are a "fashion accessory" your daughter literally won't give a shit about sound quality, she wants them because it's what friends have, etc. Can't post your panasonics on instagram. there are knockoff beats that are better than the real thing, go on ebay or aliexpress and look at those.
  20. If this was DDR4 I'd have these already. $160 is an awesome price for this memory. It makes me wish my new Broadwell-E rig was DDR3. GLWS
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