No, you have the difference between a new (battery) technology and one that runs on, you said it yourself, dinosaurs.
But if you want an apples to apples comparison, really the first DC electric motors predate gasoline internal combustion by nearly 30 years. I assure you, if you gave a gasoline engine and an electric motor both a constant supply of energy, and a constant load, that electric motor will go on FAR longer and reliably than the gasoline will.
Do you even realize why there is this limitation? This isn't limited to Tesla or their inability to engineer a car that can do this, there is just NO battery in the world could do that. The heat that accumulates in the battery packs is quite hard to remove since pretty much all of the materials used in modern batteries (lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt) are relatively poor thermal conductors.
Their precautions in neutering power aren't a joke. Thermal runaway in a LiCoO2 type batteries begins at just 302* F. A 90kwh battery is 324 megajoules of energy. That's the same amount of energy you'd find in 150-170lbs of TNT (three different conversions yielded different results.) Yeah, you're not blowing it all off at once, but you don't want that energy to start releasing itself rapidly. Would you want your gas tank igniting if your motor ran too hot?