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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. all you people saying solar panels on cars lol the average output from sunlight is about 120 watts energy per square meter. Thats if you had a 100% perfect solar panel (you dont) maybe it would capture enough energy to run the fans to keep your farts from reaching your nose
  2. the key to a woman like that is lots of wine, not one expensive bottle http://wine.woot.com/?ref=w_gh_wn_11
  3. this is what happens when you think with your brain and not your dick
  4. http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/151202212359-34-san-bernardino-shooting-1202-exlarge-169.jpg http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/151202165917-10-san-bernardino-shooting-1202-exlarge-169.jpg http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/151202212141-32-san-bernardino-shooting-1202-exlarge-169.jpg mini 14s, jesus california really?
  5. +1 for going towards line of fire for us to see -1 for vertical video http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=40c_1449109810
  6. Do you really have the email miller@yahoo.com? That email address has to be legal by now.
  7. HP toner is overpriced, get the off brands.
  8. I'll think about this. Did they clear the brakes fine on the avenger?
  9. Zip ties and a cheap home depot architect lamp have me covered on two of those already
  10. 60hz/120z/whatthefuckever doesn't matter for TVs with gaming. You are not going to push more than 60hz on a HDMI cable. Those are emulated refresh rates. If you connect a computer, you'll only see the 60hz option (honestly, on a lot of cheap 4k tvs you'll only get 30hz) and it will look like shit when moving anything around. True 144hz monitors use a dual link DVI cable for a reason.
  11. this christian extremism needs to stop. DONT LET ANY MORE OF THESE CHRISTIANS INTO MY COUNTRY
  12. craigslist macbook I absolutely cannot recommend buying any new laptop @ $500.
  13. Same, but I don't have a fast car either.
  14. 640k ought to be enough for anybody
  15. Oooh...tempted on that 500gb m.2 Samsung is of the absolute best for TVs. I can see some of these black friday deals being of lower quality, but it would still walk all over any of the "walmart special" tvs
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