Go here and play the game. You can lose and not do anything but click continue a few times. Takes maybe 2 minutes. Then you fill out name/number and don't opt in to the marketing BS and voila free food.
Terrorism insurance was bestowed upon every American on July 4th, 1776, when we fought for certain unalienable rights where the government should work to protect us and not just tax us.
The death of Scalia is letting them push this hard. He was a huge 4th amendment rights advocate.
This new guy that just got sworn in started crying.
We fucked.
Title is pretty explanatory. I scored another killer deal on some aerohive APs and need some things to complete them.
I need 12 antennas and 2 power supplies. Power supplies only need to be 1amp or so, and POE injectors will work.
You aren't allowed to speak on what is and isn't funny.
The difference is that one of you was well liked and received by many and the other makes shitty post on columbus racing.