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Slomo Eric

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Everything posted by Slomo Eric

  1. Hahaha thats awsome man!! Thanks, Eric
  2. Word!!!:bangbang: Goth girls = bad ass to!! Thanks, Eric
  3. OMFG Dude what did u do? Thanks, Eric
  4. Ooo yea pat I give u this! Thanks, Eric
  5. Hey u gona upload the pics u were taking today! I was their too not to bad. Thanks, Eric
  6. See you at noon everyone!! Thanks, Eric
  7. Yeah that thing is insane!!! Thanks, Eric
  8. Corey's hach on the old turbo motor set up went 9.89 @150. Thats was back in 2006 at nopi. Thanks, Eric
  9. No the burnt orange one has stock motor and a 35r peek boost turbo kit made 460whp on 13psi 93 pump gas. I did the work on it! Thanks, Eric
  10. Well i belive that ramseys friend or cousion bought it!
  11. Pretty cool video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L25_qF_2uPc&feature=related
  12. Im in Ive missed the last two cuz of work and shit! Hopfuly Ill hav the new ride by then!! Thanks, Eric
  13. Ill prolly be up this weekin! Thanks, Eric
  14. Cars comming together nicely.
  15. Was at IPS today pickin up some parts and had to see it for myself.....straight sexx. Thanks, Eric
  16. http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v350/224/65/555965601/n555965601_4476981_3177.jpg Cliff jumping! I'm the one in the air She must be trying to out perforum criss angel....lol
  17. It has been a while since Ive seen everyone at IPS Ill have to make a drive down one day next week and see how things are goin! Thanks, Eric
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