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Everything posted by SargeMK3

  1. SargeMK3


    Thanks jelloman and alex but yea it looks good but now i have to take care of the BHG just not sure what to do yet???????
  2. SargeMK3


    see if this works <a href="http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/SargeMK3/?action=view&current=SUPRA002.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/SargeMK3/SUPRA002.jpg" border="0" alt="supra2"></a>
  3. SargeMK3


    well before I get to scared of power how do you put up pictures?
  4. SargeMK3


    I would post pics but am not sure, if I could get some help I would appreciate it and yes I know I need to get it out there for some work, I dont know how many times you have told me.
  5. SargeMK3


    Well I just recently joined, I have been around the cr sceen for a little while thanks to reed44 but otherwise im new. I currently own a BONE stock 88 turbo supra. Which I plan on changing but not sure what to do. Thinking engine work first BHG possibly on its way
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