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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. I didnt see the race 2 years ago but i was there for the parties and such! crazyness i tell you
  2. Shit is HI-larious! i cant stop watching and laughing!
  3. Jizzle Juice


    Love the name changes white phil and black paul!! Priceless!!!!!!!
  4. Glad everything is ok! As the other BC said we wish her a speedy recovery!
  5. I agree!! Dont forget lewis and turkaglue(?) There monsters as you can see and the little guy name cortney lee he's a beast too!
  6. Welcome back cant wait to see pics!!
  7. Well all im gonna say if it comes down to a game 7 i think orlando will wrap it up and be in the NBA finals! Lebrons great but they cant be doin this shit! orlando feeds on come backs. The were down 18 in phily came back and won same in boston and in cleveland the other night and almost tonight so dont count them out!!
  8. I drive car you drive bike?? jk i may be there
  9. Jizzle Juice


    i knew i shouldve just came over!
  10. Looks funny and good wont ruin who holmes is just watch http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/sherlockholmes/
  11. Looks different kinda like a deathrace theme i guess http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/gamer/large.html
  12. Jizzle Juice


    Ima go see it! I liked the first one he did this should be just ass good! http://www.apple.com/trailers/weinstein/h2/large.html
  13. Nope its really well put together with the controls and stuff. No button masher unless you wanna be K.O'd
  14. Jizzle Juice


    Dammit! i wanted shotgun!! Maybe tomorrow??
  15. ill get back with you on that one here in the next hour or so
  16. Anybody playing on PS3??
  17. Joined it feels weird to be a noob again!
  18. Who doesnt have a partner??
  19. Pat with the stamina bar on and get them down to yellow buy doing alot of takedowns and body punches then sometime late 2 early third round go for it!
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