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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. ................................
  2. It may seem funny but its far from true!! just cause certain people may not think so doesnt mean its true!!! i got more than just a certain amount of friends im well rounded so when shit is pretty gay i go another direction
  3. I want a voyager or a dare but i just got my plan in jan!!!!! help me!!!!!!! u and phil got my num sop someone heit me up!!!
  4. Oh sry thought i was on my other forum.
  5. I thought i cut her vocal cords! Shit gotta be more careful!!
  6. Ahaha! trust me you'll be ok. guys bring there girls all the time and somehow i end up with them lol jkjk but really its fun just come out and see yourself!
  7. your the man behind the man!(ME!!!)
  8. So i love life!!! there was a comp. with about 9-10 girls dancing on the "pole" and I was the pole!!! oh yeah it turned out to be the best thing ever!!!! some of you shouldve came phil got all the seconds hahaha but i wont call them sloppy cause they were all fine!!!!!!
  9. Hmm how tall are you? and whats the new price?? oh abd love grandma's boy in backgorund thats funny
  10. Haha just come out tonight it'll be fun it always is! Its me and phil and alot of cool peeps from the bar!
  11. I agree a lady came into honda with the same prob looked at the wheel and it had a rock in the dust sheild so try that
  12. Thats just amazing!!! what did u run?
  13. Hahaha. very true. Welcome abaord hondaman! GSR's r nice i must say
  14. Really shitty!! but welcome and hope it doesnt happen again
  15. Umm 10ish but i figure its pass your bed time hahaha jk
  16. I would let her whoop my ass all day as long as i tapped hers all night!!!
  17. No prob glad to be some assistance. And ill be waiting on that beer haha
  18. HAHA And scott u should go!!!! it'll be worth it!
  19. So as usual i go to sloopys but just tryna see if anyone else is gonna make it out? 5 cent drafts 50 cent pitchers dollar jello and vile shots beerpong!!!. Its country night but its ok cause i drink to the point where it doesnt bother me. But the mix up the music around 12:30 or 1. But come out and have fun!!!
  20. Talked to my service manager at honda east he said you bring it and he'll get it done. he said that it is warranty so. jus call and ask for joe pistole or talk to a service writer
  21. i work for honda and it depends but im sure they warranty all those ive seen like 10 getting new trans in the last 2 months but i can checked for u 2morrow well today and post on here and let u know!
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