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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. What the hell andrew! hahaha funny stuff. Good day on the beach! im sure i puked. Bill there's only one guy in the pic that is white sooo uhhh.... Sam i agree i need the gym! I hate working out bymyself
  2. DAMN YOU DUFF!!!!! Be careful man. Well try and keep that streak alive!
  3. What color are the shirts again? And any word on practice? Start a new job and my schedule is diff but never have to stay later than 7. Nut work this Saturday till 4:30
  4. I passed that one. Aim your first past everything. Have it so it hits the bottom where the pigs are under the boards. That's how I got it then everything else is self explanatory
  5. Thanks. Now this has turned to an auto loan question. I pmd yenner. Is tree anyone else that could help?
  6. Ewwww. That sucks hopefully it's better by Sunday. And will we have shirts by Sunday or we gonna be the white tee gang again lol
  7. I didn't take it that way at all lol. So that's fine by me. If you need me just say so and I'm in. It doesn't matter for practice to me just let me know. I would like to do the get there early thing but that's just me or both.
  8. That's fine phil. And Justin was a beast!!!!!
  9. I'm free whenever after 5. Lemme know a day or two ahead though.
  10. Great game fellas!! I'm making practices so I cam get that starting job!! Lol
  11. I need another router. And i like beating the game before i play on-line but might make a diff choice this time around
  12. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs970.snc4/76381_457281348317_783113317_5581003_1821778_n.jpg
  13. I like the rortation and the 1st tram offenese. Jump ball jump ball jump ball at least for me a Leigh. I just wish I was at the practices so you could see what my real speed is. I'm down to fill in on defense when need be. I can cover there deep threat when needed. I like when we played man in that last team. When we did the zone that's when they'd itch up small yards at a time with those short gains. On O we need to be on diff parts of the field designate a deep man a man in the middle and we need tp dump the ball of tp the center alot. I was in one play where I went up turned around and I couldve scored. So I say we have a dump of play designed
  14. That's right Greg hahaha. For some reason I thought itvwas Howard! Whooops hahaha
  15. Howard wanna trade ufc for red dead redemption 2010 ufc that is
  16. I have great customer service skills. Still haven't heard anything back. Tear.
  17. Got some questions for you loan guys out there. More if a friend looking to get a small loan and need help. Anything helps tia.
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