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Everything posted by ruinms

  1. i want bbk spring when can i get them.
  2. ruinms

    ford parts

    i have a few parts that i have left over from my build. painless stand alone efi harness its setup for single o2 part number on jegs site is 764-60510 . i would like 350 obo p mas draw through maf setup for 60lbs 150obo p mas draw through maf setup for 38lbs150obo a9l computer sold world product windsor sr heads. 550obo 15lb bottle white with #6feedline from trunk to motor. ebayed sold msd pro billet tfi distributor. 200obo have pics only has garage run time. i have more ill update tonight after work.
  3. yea its not the guy on guy action you are into haha
  4. thats why i asked we stoped selling the red eliminator awhile ago and went to the black ones. i was wanting to know the age of the pump and the color mainly says that. thanks rutan is this by chance marios old stuff?
  5. ruinms

    wtb standalone

    yea the main thing is im wanting to go speed density. i hate this whole maf thing i think its why 90% rednecks go carb.
  6. is this the red one or is it a black one?
  7. going into second gear? sorry brandon i had to do it . dang mopar beat me to it
  8. ruinms

    wtb standalone

    hell no i have looked at them and tried to talk my self into it. i only know one guy using it and liked it and he now is carbed. i found a gen 3 with 3 bar map for more than the dude is asking for the fast. i may just hold off. i wish i could find that ecm that was on here.
  9. im bout to pick up a standalone with in the next couple of days. i remember seeing a aem or fast or somthing on here for a fox body mustang. i figured i would give it a try on here before i paypal a random person money.
  10. i would like to see pics of whats left. im so wanting to do a vert lmk what the pics look like
  11. do you still have your zo6? why did dyno brian tune this instead of ips? just wondering becasue your zo6 was done by them.
  12. i dont want everyone to see the pics just a couple mainly r kelly himself
  13. http://assets.knowyourmeme.com/i/693/original/Pedobear.jpg
  14. last is ninobrown http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg280/gota00si/haze.jpg
  15. i say go streetable race car. if you dont do it now you will someday. everyone wants to keep going faster and faster. where i work i see 9 second cars alot that drive in and still can drive it to the track and go back home. you're a gearhead you can't stop working on it even if its fixed.
  16. hate to say it but paul is right on. thats why roll racing is such a big deal. you dont have to have as much skill as dig racing.
  17. ruinms

    big thanks

    its up and running i have few things to hook up yet. i gave my seats to a friend because they didnt match my back seat that chad gave me. i want to buy a set of black kirkey seats to keep everything matching. i gotta run a few vacuum lines and it should be able to see the dyno. i got it running on a 03-04 cobra maf and injectors at like 25lb of psi. i have a 60lb setup to swap out when i get back from vaction and get it dynoed. ill post a pic i took before driving it around the block. it needs a paint job bad. after the pics i raised the front up about a inch and a half. http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg280/gota00si/1mustangjpg12.jpg http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg280/gota00si/1mustangjpg123.jpg http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg280/gota00si/1mustangjpg1.jpg
  18. ruinms

    big thanks

    I have been working on a project for about a year and I finally got to take my first spin around the block. I just want to say thanks to a few of my friends that helped me work on it. Big thanks to mopar mike at mike ward racing and the carpet man. These guys have answered tons of questions and helped me through my build.
  19. ruinms

    68 Nova FS

    hey if you go down on price pm me i may have a friend looking to buy a nova soon. thanks
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