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Metcalf Racing

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Everything posted by Metcalf Racing

  1. Look man I street race. I was at the track to help my buddy
  2. whats it take to get on this site for real..I'm 20 posts deep and still haven't been accepted
  3. I'm down forsure on the street.. I'm not comming to the track
  4. I know guys from c bus.. They have balls unlike the queers from cincy..................................... Notice non of your boys from css have stepped up....
  5. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j317/metcalfracing1_photos/SS035.jpg http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j317/metcalfracing1_photos/SS041.jpg
  6. Well It just happens to be my lucky day because I just found a $20 in my pocket so I guess I'll have to try it
  7. I'd love to line back up with him if that can be set up some how
  8. I'm not going to call out this whole site I know some guys from c bus.. I might just call out half the site :woowoo:
  9. Why are you laughing..You setting me up???
  10. I can't belive they haven't unlocked me yet
  11. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j317/metcalfracing1_photos/SS001.jpg
  12. I'm not out to post a mod list ...I race
  13. I'll post up some pics later I don't have any with the new wheels and tires yet
  14. I'm new to this site but I belong to most of the others, most people know who I am but if you don't My name is Craig and I have a Mystic SS Camaro.
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