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Everything posted by McLovin1647545523

  1. Lol the buckeyes have fallen so far
  2. Subaru ftw! The 02 tranny is fine if you don't mod the shit out of it.
  3. I feel your pain I'm in civic hell right and my windows and AC don't work I need a new Subaru bad
  4. Buy the Audi those are some low numbers on the Subaru
  5. Good job guys this is one reason I don't put CR or COS stickers on my car
  6. i think this place will take them http://recyclingexchange.net/default.aspx
  7. awesome i can't wait I'm going to have to get this channel
  8. thats fucking sick you should get that for sure at such a sweet price
  9. that looks like its in good shape i wonder how good that would be at rallyX
  10. yeah not to sure i like this. if they install a gps in a car and don't get the results they were hoping for are you ever told that they did it
  11. yeah i fucking hate the prius where i work i have to drive way to many of them and every asshole who drives them thinks its some kind of rare car that they need to explain how they work fuck that car
  12. yeah i newb missed the multi quote button till i was done with all of those
  13. problem solved ps whats up Michael your car looks different in you sig i like it
  14. yeah i spend a lot of time up there on the weekends mostly with a bunch of nuts in a parking lot hanging out looking at cars
  15. yeah draco needs to step up his posting game ps i like you sig
  16. i wondered how long it would take you to see this ryan. ok well i am at the moment building a sti block that i will be swaping into my bug eye and am looking to put down 350-400 to the wheels i figure that will be enough but i'm sure thats what everyone tells them selves. but as the car sits i have a cruical racing up pipe and down ppe and a blitz nur spec r cat back and a cobb stage 2 tune and the hellas which are a lot of fun to use on people
  17. i have a few more from another rally x that was muddy as all hell it took me three hours in 40 degree cold to clean off all the mud from the car but it was worth it
  18. what up my name is patrick and i drive a 02 wrx and have some big plans for it. here are a few pics of me enjoying my car http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc61/zblorenc/RallyX%20Oct%2019th/DSC_0476.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc61/zblorenc/RallyX%20Oct%2019th/DSC_0496.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_XOe2YbSzpyE/SR9H_W4fFkI/AAAAAAAALac/8s5UFRECCmI/s800/DSC_0089.JPG http://lh3.ggpht.com/_XOe2YbSzpyE/SR9IBOSrMnI/AAAAAAAALak/ZEFeVkPwreg/s800/DSC_0090.JPG http://lh6.ggpht.com/_XOe2YbSzpyE/SR9HrdL11MI/AAAAAAAALZE/vRAHU1pHWyQ/s800/DSC_0078.JPG http://lh3.ggpht.com/_XOe2YbSzpyE/SR9H4e6SSgI/AAAAAAAALZ8/mTZu3dkcHDE/s800/DSC_0085.JPG
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