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Everything posted by Erica

  1. +1 for auto x!! Welcome
  2. I'm liking the glock 19 and the bersa thunder 380 so far... the s&w 642 is a revolver that I dont think I really want... If anyone has one of these I could go shoot sometime to get a feel for it let me know!
  3. I really just have no idea what to even look for...
  4. I am looking for somtime that I can take to a shooting range and/or protection...
  5. I am looking to buy a handgun sometime this summer. My grandfather owned Columbus Gun Headquarters(New Roam Gun Store) in New Roam, So I am very good with a gun BUT I really have no knowledge about them when it comes to buying one. I am looking for somthing prob no bigger than a 45, but if you all have any tips or ideas on what a nice first gun would be for me please let me know! I am little but I do know how to counter a kickback, I don't want anything thats going to knock me off my feet or anything just somthing substancial, I really do not think that I want a revolver either but I really do not know. So any tips or advise would be nice! Thanks!
  6. Erica

    hahaha I dont know how!
  7. Erica


    WOW! I can see her being a bit upset because she has to work on v-day, BUT it was her bad for not requesting it off! You sound like a super sweet guy! I would think you going to the gym to work on your body would be a nice gift for her for vday as well hahaha! Maybe you should blow it off for tomorrow then bring it up the next day or somthing so the night isnt completely ruined!
  8. wow...next time you get walked by a girl you can make dinner! But anyways...This is really nice to see! I will be great to see have another woman there on race day! I have done two events thus far and really love the sport, I am planning on doing the driver school this summer, I know some of the experienced drivers who even do the school just as a refresher! Everyone is super nice and very helpful! hopefully she enjoys it and we see her out this summer!
  9. HAHAHA...thats all you are going to get!
  10. Erica

    new guy

    Your car's are sick though! Welcome!
  11. Contents: Mr2... Two straightened wheels, leftover pizza and quesadillas, figure skates, hockey skates and a notebook. Civic... All of my floor mats, three notebooks, a box of cookies and a skirt. Whats in your trunk...(the more random the better!) (This was Sean's idea but he did'nt get around to it so Erica to the rescue)
  12. WOW !! I'm impressed! Cars are super clean...Welcome to CR!
  13. Erica

    New Guy.

    Then you are not posting in the right area's to gain post...
  14. SPOOKY!!!! Yea I am too, I usually don't go see book/movies caz I end up getting pissed that it wasnt as good or they missed somthing HUGE!
  15. I would be interested if there are Karts allowed...even if not I think this would be a new change for people! People who don't come to the autoX events or don't have the chance to would get a new perspective!
  16. REALLY! Sean crewed there last year for the 24 hour race... I thought they were changing owners as well! Well hopefully next year there is another 24 hr. race!
  17. http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff146/adrenilinechic07/czzln2.jpg My grandfather had a pantera (With a halo around it in the garage! I don't think the thing ever even saw daylight!)... I grew up listening to car talk! Then when I started dating I always dated guys who where into cars and learned so much from them, I was just hooked! No one ever really noticed that I was so into cars untill I started to pipe up with things in conversations and everyone would just look at me like "HUH!" haha
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