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Posts posted by CAM09

  1. i think he dislikes me becuase i upset his boyfriend jcroz...that or he thinks i sold him a junk motor, ive heard from a few people that he has talked some shit about it in regards to the motor i sold him...but hell i sold him the whole drivetrain for $700, not my fault he thrashed it...it never gave me any problems aside from a ticking lifter that kurt was made aware of before buying it.


    For starters I have my reasons, it had nothing to do with the motor I like the motor and drivetrain you sold me. Who ever told you that I was talking shit about the motor you sold me was telling you a lie, because I have never talked bad about the motor....I didnt trash the motor after you sold it to me or had any problems with it as far as internals only the overheating (which my dad and rob start assuming crap like I was beating on the motor and that I had blew and head gasket in the 1st place, rob ran the car hard a few times around the shop do to me having fuel problems at high RPM's and the v6 pump that was in it rob said was the same as the stock GT pumps, after we put yours in everything was fine and the car ran great) however the tick is not a problem I dont even notice it when I start the car so......

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