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Everything posted by heratik

  1. PMs sent to everyone who requested. If you guys decide you are interested, could you also send over your resume? I think that would speed things along a little more.
  2. Is that directed to me? It is in a sealed box with a vent tube.
  3. Yes, in the tib. Once again, I can't run at the track without it because I had to relocate the battery to the hatch to fit the turbo. It's not useless...I have a push bar that goes through the tail light...the one in the first pic.
  4. Done, minus the push bar which I'm getting ready to install tonight. And holy shit, it actually kills the car like it's supposed to. Thanks for the help today, Gearhead. Startmaster, check out the pics below for a typical NHRA-approved battery relocation in a hatch (my battery is vented, not shown). The box cannot be those $15 marine boxes...it has to be the sealed box, with a tube routed outside of the car for venting. http://www.heratik.net/tib/killswitch/switch1.jpg http://www.heratik.net/tib/killswitch/switch2.jpg http://www.heratik.net/tib/killswitch/switch3.jpg http://www.heratik.net/tib/killswitch/switch4.jpg http://www.heratik.net/tib/killswitch/switch5.jpg
  5. Cool, thanks! I couldn't find a straightforward explanation with a 2-post kill switch.
  6. I've got a rear-mounted battery to make room for my turbo, so I have to have a kill switch for the track. I'm having some problems understanding how to actually kill the car with the switch. I found this diagram from an earlier thread. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=720808 http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f118/cbuscivictuner/Powerfordummies.jpg I'm not sure if I understand how this kills the car. Here is my current layout: http://www.heratik.net/tib/preswitchelectrical.jpg From my understanding, moving the alternator wire to the battery will cut off power for anything touching that distribution block, and since the alternator is no longer attached to that block, pretty much nothing will have power (relay box, wire harnesses, etc.). Here is my interpretation on how I will reroute. http://www.heratik.net/tib/postswitchelectrical.jpg Do I have this pretty much down?
  7. Nope, sorry...we are strictly IT. I think it's because Columbus is a popular IT city. Not related to Technisource. Our owner is Jeff Dalton and we are a privately-owned/operated company with no DBAs or partnership companies (aside from a small spin-off, still called "Dedicated Consulting" or something like that).
  8. Hey guys, I am a consultant for Dedicated Technologies Inc, a consulting firm here in Columbus. I know what you're thinking, "ew, contract jobs." ...well, not exactly. DTI hires full time and then contracts you out to places like Nationwide, BMW, and quite a few more. So you get benefits, salary, and best of all, JOB SECURITY in the form of "bench" time. Bench time is basically where your contract ends with a client and you just work directly for DTI in their office until you get another contract. They have positions right now for lots of .NET, Java, network admins...and pretty much every other type of techy job you can think of. Monetarily speaking, this is worth it. I'm making roughly 30% more than I was making at my last "traditional" full time job. If you don't believe me I'll prove it to you (via PM, not publicly). My general manager asked me to reach out to my IT buddies, but most of my friends are car guys or musicians (all non-IT), so I thought maybe someone here might be interested. ANYWAY, I'll stop rambling. Let me know if you are interested. I can get you more details and/or get you in contact with some recruiters.
  9. I'll come bug you guys and introduce if I see you. Haha, wow...being a noob, I find it a bit funny to hear this type of reaction thrown around a lot. Is there really that much BS flinging on CR? Now I'm going to have to go search and get brought up to speed.
  10. Owned by me, built 100% by me with some help from friends here and there, and I am taking her out to NTR for the first time (since the FI build) on the 25th! This is my first build, so I don't really have expectations. I am putting down 262whp/258tq @6psi and I'm upping the boost this weekend. I'd be happy with low 13's right now. I'm dying to meet some of you guys at the track and see your cars up close. The last time I was at the track I didn't know anyone but I know I saw at least a couple people from CR.
  11. Work with me here...Google pics wasn't cooperating. Besides, we all know the imminent outcome of this rivalry, so I'm just enjoying what time I have left. << Two-fer! We're a quiet few, I guess.
  12. http://fotosa.ru/stock_photo/Corbis_RF/p_2567431.jpg Bring back memories?
  13. I'll be there on the 25th with some buddies. It's more of a meet/track day combo, so I don't think we will mind the wait too much.
  14. I'm going to try to be pushing around 8 by end of weekend. I can't run much more safely with this being my daily driver. Time and time again Tiburon owners have fried piston rings above 300whp. I guess I'm also cautious because this is my first project car, so ya know...I don't really have the balls to push her until she pops. I'll probably be out at NTR on the 25th. I ordered my battery kill switch and should have it installed by then.
  15. Thanks for the help today, Brian. I'm making some adjustments and I'm sure I'll be back out before long.
  16. See ya there a little after noon then! Thanks Brian! -Chad
  17. I'm sold. I'll call a few buddies and see if they are interested as well. Just post up if this is a 100% confirmed thing (and confirmed times) and I'll be there.
  18. Tomorrow?! If it's decently close to the columbus area, then hell yeah...just tell me when where, and how much. I need a baseline BAD.
  19. Of course, the moment I settled back in the storm ended.
  20. blue, no kidding? jeeeez! it looks like hell here. let me make one last call to the guys. i doubt it'll happen though. Figures, I got up early and everything.
  21. It is torrential pouring here. Guess I'm staying in this morning. Sorry guys. :\ So much for "accu"weather.com
  22. I read not til around 7pm. See you guys in a bit.
  23. After spending too much time and money in this scene, I can tell you that hands down the preference is turbo'd Tibs over S/C...though, a company called NGM makes a killer S/C setup and it the engine bay looks really hot. All the S/C guys I've talked to say they would have done turbo if they had a chance to do it again due to upgrade costs and boredom after a short time. Here's a great setup, though... http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q174/unholytib/IMG_9794.jpg
  24. Heh, yeah, it didn't make much now that I read back. Tib = ok but not great, CRX is terrible but guilty pleasure.
  25. I dunno, I drive a chick car, so I think things can only go up from here. If I had to pick...CRX maybe? I have no idea why, I have just always liked 'em.
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