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Everything posted by SVT_Nick

  1. So let me understand this...you said you would have killed the guy on the bike if something happened to your dog and wouldn't have cared because your dog was chasing him and he wouldn't stop? That's seriously the dumbest shit I've ever heard. As a fairly avid road rider, when a dog chases me, seemingly harmless or not, I don't stop and I never will even if some asshole owner is yelling at me to. Your anger seems a bit misguided here. Perhaps, knowing that your dog chases people on bikes, put him a long lease so he can't leave the yard. Oh and btw, if you ever do decide to chase and "knock him off his bike" with your car, that's considered assault with a deadly weapon, have fun getting raped while serving a few years in prison you shit stain.
  2. If I can make up a good enough excuse to call off work I'll be there.
  3. SVT_Nick


    Ride more bikes I gave you a stem!
  4. Posting this for a friend of mine. He runs this rally out of the cincy area that runs from there, through parts of northern Kentucky and ending back in Cincy on some of the best roads this region has to offer. After party that night and alittle auto-X the following morning. http://www.jawbreakerroadrally.com The video on the opening page is a highlights of last years rally. Here's a teaser for this years... Hope to see some of you guys there! Nick
  5. I love reading detailing threads. I'll try and find this one I just came across, it was an E36 M3 found in a garage brought back to better than new.
  6. Thats pretty wild. I hate hate hate having bugs on, I probably would have squashed it.
  7. Hmmm interesting. I may try and scrap up some cash and do this.
  8. 5th Gear is more informative. Tiff used to be on Top Gear while back and I guess he didn't have the right attitiude. Also, for those who haven't heard, there is going to be an american Top Gear. I'll look up the hosts but I know one is Tanner Foust. I predict epic failure.
  9. I donno but they have a Focus listed! Woot. Someone try it and let me know how it works.
  10. The other day, I saw Jesus. Truth.
  11. I don't have a hose at my place, so I use public car washes. But what I've found works really well is to spray some turtle wax wheel cleaner, then go around the car with the car washes pre-soak a few times, high pressure rinse, spot free and drive it home. No need to psychically touch the car with anything. Keeps scratches and swirl marks down and prolongs waxing.
  12. Why not put a quieter exhaust and softer suspension on the wrx?
  13. Nice car. I've heard a lot of good about the new SS/TC. Set the Nurburgring lap record for a production FWD I believe, pretty damn impressive.
  14. SVT_Nick


    Puppy kicking? Pfft that's kids stuff. You're really be a man when you graduate to baby seal clubbing.
  15. Dammit you guys....now I feel like I should be in jail after looking through this thread. I remember when I was a senior (04), there was this rediculously hot girl that started that year. I thought she was new in my grade...no she was a 14yr old freshman. It was scary just how hot this girl was and how not 14 she looked.
  16. Awesome build. I love old Porsche's. I look forward to seeing where this is going.
  17. Meh, could care less. I hate NOPI and it's portrayal of the scene.
  18. Seriously. I would rather have a few nice cars and a house than 30 engines. Anyone else find that site horribly cluttered with users signatures and advertisements?
  19. Same here, and to be honest it's not even mine. It's my brothers but I end up using it more than him. I consider myself better than the average person but no means a good photographer.
  20. SVT_Nick

    WTH Rampage!!

    How you going to hit and run with your fucking picture and name on the side of the truck??? LOL. Idiot.
  21. What happened? I wasn't there sunday?
  22. I have nothing positive to add other than I love your avatar. Haha, jk. Car looks super clean.
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