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Turbo Teg

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About Turbo Teg

  • Birthday 02/18/1984

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    350Z, LS/VTEC Turbo TEG

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  1. Turbo Teg

    Sonic - 8/29

    Well, I'm gonna try and make it out to one of these meets. Maybe I'll swing by after the fights if it's still going on. Get to meet some like minded people
  2. The AR-15 platform has many more options and configs available for it. Long term parts availablity for it are going to much better and cheaper, as there are many more out there. The big deal with the sig is that it uses a gas piston instead of direct gas impingement. It's great at keeping the weapon cleaner and cooler, but I have never had any problems out of my Bushmaster, and I have put about 20k rounds through it. I don't think it's worth the extra coin unless you just want one. I'm very happy with the AR series of weapons, but if I ever have the money and a deal comes my way, I may pick one up just because I want one.
  3. I vote for Valentine 1. I didnt' read the 4 pages of posts, but I'll throw in my two cents about it. It consistantly ranks among the top of radar detectors in the guys of lidar testing. That said, there are pleanty of good RDs out there. The passport 9500ix, Bel STI, would probably be my top 2 choices for a windshield mounted unit if I didn't use a V1. The typ of driving you do and how involved with your detector you want to be. The bogey counter on the V1 along with the arrows deffinatly improves your situational awareness like the their website says. Arrows have come in very handy a couple of times. It has very good range, and is the best for lidar detection. Chances are though, if your getting pinged with lidar, and not running any type of jammer it only serves as a ticket notifier. If there is a chance that it can pick up lidar scatter in front of you it will. I've been saved by scatter twice. There is a trade off though, as it is very sensitive, it can and will false more than other detectors, but that can be somewhat remedied through some of it's programming options. You'll eventually learn how to read your detector and be able to tell a false from actual threats. Just FYI, I have been using my detector for a while, and have to say I've never been hit with radar by the highway patrol. It seems like they all are using laser. The only time I've ever encountered radar on the highway it was from Gahannna PD. Seems like most of the local cops run the radar and HP uses laser. Getting a laser interceptor would be something that is deffinatly needed in Ohio.
  4. I really don't see a need to go to gunshows to look for most stuff. There are occasional finds, but everything is usually way over priced. I see stuff selling used for what I sell for new at Vances.
  5. It's to hard to get ready for action quickly when the threat is right up on you. I traded my shotgun in a deal for a new head for my car. I need a new one. I'm thinking of getting the new Mossberg semi auto, another 870, and a 590. Probably get them next year at some point since WE SHOULD ALL BE GETTING MILITARY STYLED WEAPONS now, considering the nominees for president have a less than stellar record on guns (although Mccain is way better than Obama) and we *could* see another ban in the near future. We can rest assured that the new ban will be more restrictive than the last. I saw a ban proposal (failed) that had the hi-point 9mm carbine on the list. They wanted to make some changes from the old AWB, and from what I remember of it. No sunset provision Cannot sell or transfer your grandfathered assualt weapon. (when you die, weapon destroyed) No semi-automatic copy of any military firearm in use anywhere in the world Not able to accept any high capacity magazines. There was other stuff to, but I can't remember it all. Don't know how much of that stuff would be able to be passed, but it's deffinalty not for lack of trying.
  6. True, the story reads that way, but I've learned not to completely trust the media. We don't know what actually happend so we can't say, but just the fact that he fled would lead me to believe that maybe it wasn't self defense, but you never know. People get scared and do stupid things. If I feel that there's a high probability of me getting hurt/killed then there's a good chance that I will fire the first shot. I'm not gonna give some thug the upperhand by letting him get the drop on me and decide if he's actually gonna hurt me or not. I don't play that game.
  7. I'm pretty sure it's up to the prosicutor if you will be charged with murder or not. If so, then the grand jury decides if you will stand trial, then a jury will decide. I shot someone in self defense back in '05 during a robbery, and was never charged with anything at any point. The person lived, but I believe if they wanted to be dicks they may have been able to charge me with attempted murder as he almost died. Now I know if you kill someone, it does get ruled a homicide, then depending on if you get charged or not , gets ruled a justifiable homicide. At least these are my understandings.
  8. I wonder how it will play out. In Florida, if you feel threatend by a person, you can use deadly force without a duty to retreat as far as I understand it. I know I may have felt threatend if someone pulled in after me after giving him the finger. What he's got going against him is that he left the scene. #1 big no-no that will help in your prosicution in a self defense case. You never know what the guy said before he got shot, he could have told him that he's gonna get his gun out of his car and kill him and then got popped. The antis will have a field day with this regardless.
  9. Fuck that, if someone knocks on my door at 1am, there's deffinatly gonna be a glock in my hand, and my girlfriend around the corner with the Bushmaster.
  10. One of the best movies I have seen in a long time. That's heath ledgers best performance in my opinion. He really brought the Joker to life and showed how insane he was supposed to be. It's a shame he's no longer around. "I'm gonna make this pencil disappear!" LOL.
  11. If your gonna do that, Caspian makes some of the nicest frames I've seen, I'd use them.
  12. Good choice. I had a nice pro raptor II. (4 inch barrel) sold it for car parts though
  13. They look sweet, that's for sure. Which one are you thinking of?
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