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Status Updates posted by Patterson

  1. Wow, just wow. Balls of Steele
  2. Are we pacing in posts? :gabe:
  3. http://static.images.memegenerator.net/Instances400/6/6484/6640625.jpg
  4. http://static.images.memegenerator.net/Instances400/7/7595/7777591.jpg
  5. http://static.images.memegenerator.net/Instances400/7/7595/7777624.jpg
  6. http://static.images.memegenerator.net/Instances400/7/7840/8029059.jpg
  7. I hope you got infracted for that. I got my first for the trophy. LOL



  8. Oh the ironing...



    "Only gays have a broken dsm...."

  9. Back out? Negative, I only back into it.
  10. Lemme get a trans first. Gonna try and get one this weekend
  11. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v653/slmudd32506/Silly%20pictures/pedobear1.jpg
  12. Finally you douche.
  13. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/2.jpg
  14. You should fear my rape face...



  15. Force me out on Friday
  16. http://files.sharenator.com/1290531169349_Insanity_Wolf_Dump-s457x457-129363-580.jpg
  17. Watching you.....
  18. http://chrisabraham.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/douchebag.jpg
  19. Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  20. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lg146k6puW1qfk9w5.jpg
  21. Happy Birthday Homo
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