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Status Updates posted by Patterson

  1. Happy B-day. Your car is dirty underneath.
  2. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5285/5381589419_8522dfae06.jpg
  3. Looks fine to me bro. Run it.
  4. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_PoELAG16is0/TOSJ1g9vuBI/AAAAAAAAAGM/1ZwAFGZCqu0/s400/Philosoraptor1.jpg
  5. http://chzmemeafterdark.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/naughty-memes-insanity-wolf-roleplay.jpg
  6. Lemme get a trans first. Gonna try and get one this weekend
  7. http://images2.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/6267453/Y-U-MAD-GIRL-ORLY-FOR-RIL.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Insanity-Wolf
  8. Back out? Negative, I only back into it.
  9. Oh the ironing...



    "Only gays have a broken dsm...."

  10. What......The .......Fudge??????
  11. The Cheese Stick bribe worked eh?
  12. http://hstech.mssd14.wikispaces.net/file/view/cheese_sticks.jpg
  13. Arbys in Heath claims their Angus is Peppered and crusted around the edges.
  14. I don't know what I would ever do with out you. You are my life and shit.
  15. Metric Racers. I like that. Very classy.
  16. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/memes-im-gonna-live-forever.jpg
  17. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/memes-how-do-you-make-a-baby-cry-throw-a-brick-at-it.jpg
  18. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_la55hmmleD1qao53oo1_400.jpg
  19. I love you. homoish
  20. I hope you got infracted for that. I got my first for the trophy. LOL



  21. I think it should be so.
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