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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. I like this one too, saw it the other week. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/richpeople.jpg
  2. cr's fine. people just need to not sit on it 24/7 causing drama.
  3. Wow... Note to self, never buy chinese car.
  4. Ill stick with my german castrol green.
  5. Fubar231

    vote here for

    No ban, hes way too much fun.
  6. sti vs evo was hailarious dude in the evo couldnt drive for shit
  7. Whys it look like the 200sx has a lincoln grill on it? lol
  8. How fast could one of these several thousand horsepower cars go if they were setup for a standing mile?
  9. Typical DSM owner, selling the car cause theyll never get it to run. And i didn't read all 15 retarded pages of bullshit about you. So no, i didnt know you were selling your car.
  10. Oh, and BDAZGSX, how the fuck do you have 300 somethin posts and been on here a month or two. Get a fucking life man, your a worse troll than the damn ginger.
  11. 10$ says my rwd car will beat your slow awd pos from a dig. EDIT: Rob your a grammer nazi
  12. 2zz is the elise motor if im correct. Also, doesnt the new camaro ss run a lot lower than 13.4? That seems to slow.
  13. aka a bunch riced out shit that doesnt matter.
  14. Re-torquing the head this week. Yeah id be down to run alex. He runs what 12-13 and made 350? Also... Im down for digs, and rolls.
  15. 250-300whp isnt enough to play... Itll be better than the 150-160 you have now, still not enough to get out and play though.
  16. Didnt read but the first page, and BDAZGSX , ur shits weak. I got $20 on it anyday you want to, dig or roll.
  17. Nothing wrong with a automatic, just too many damn haters.
  18. Your a fucking tool lexus, you failed the first time and now you come back saying you "Fixed" your car and whatnot so we'll accept you? You fucking fail.
  19. i love how the stickers are still on the tires and they wont even come off hahaha
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