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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. I like the ZR-1's on your car way more than i did on mine. Heres a pic of mine with the ZR-1's then with the C5Z's. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/2012-01-09_23-12-28_746.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/406717_352810031413571_100000537318594_1300203_31036079_n.jpg
  2. I went and took a pic of the guys driveway while i was out to see if it would help you or anyone else. His is really maybe a 1-2" lip at MOST. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/con4.jpg Compared to my drive way http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/con1.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/con3.jpg
  3. When replacing the timing chain for your cam install which one should you run? I heard you can run the LS2 timing chain set cause its stronger than the ls1 one?
  4. Def wasnt expecting it lol but now, back to my TooL
  5. I know the andersons has sub box's for cheap. Im pretty sure its ~$20 for a single one there if that helps/changes your mind at all.
  6. I got a 12" MTX Somethin. $20 and its yours, theres no box with it though.
  7. I have a unopened MyMathLab id like to get $50 for. There $90+ from a store. Thanks, Shane
  8. Anybody else hear the 2 loud pops at the beginning when he revved it up? Then also the smoke when he revs it up, yet no one said anything? So much fail in this video
  9. Started making a noise, probably a $150 fix. LOL right
  10. Man i admire you car so much that thing is just awesome. Its just so clean and well put together. Cant wait to see some pulls and a dyno run/chart for this beast
  11. Haha man i traded my chrome ZR1's for the wheels you have now (C5Z's) no more than a month ago. Coulda helped you out had you had this earlier.
  12. If you look at this guys address on google maps (The driveway with the suv in it, looks like 3302 maybe on the curb) 3306 Gladesend Court, Columbus, Ohio, United States Address is approximate i believe thats what you want done to your driveway. I was asking around at one point to have this done to mine too. His was cut i believe but its only like a little 2 inch hump into his driveway now instead of a full blown curb.
  13. These kids are fucking stupid
  14. My girl thought your F100 thing said POO lol
  15. This. Didn't russians put concrete powder in the air or something to help with a drought and it caused huge chunks of concrete to fall from the sky
  16. Thanks for pointing that out, but when it wouldnt go in i wouldnt push hard. If it didnt go in id just wait a second and try again. I drove to jegs to return something to get money for this repair and after driving there i still had the prob. It seems like its only doing this on reverse. I havn't had any problems with first but reverse is just a PITA when trying to get it in gear. Sometimes it just will not go, othertimes it slides in like butter.
  17. Love the launch and staying in it through the wheelhop, ensures lols. Car sounds fuckin sick though
  18. When i was trying to push the car into reverse and it wouldnt go it wasnt grinding or anything, it was just like pushing against something that was pushing back. Didnt grind just pushed back. But when it grinded when i put it into first it was just odd...
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