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Everything posted by Brrcats

  1. I've found streaming to be great for tv series that I want to catch up on, but I have only watched a handful of movies that I felt were worthwhile.
  2. ill fuck you in the ass flat footed, lol but yeah, i was feeling pretty sluggish
  3. It wasnt the refs, we lost that game for ourselves.
  4. So whats the deal with this scrimmage anyway? Is this something you organized?
  5. I used to rock this shit back in college, I'm not as good as I was, but I'm not bad for having not played regularly for the past 5 years
  6. I've heard that it does, so spend them on emblems, player card backgrounds, things that dont reset, before you prestige
  7. I'll pull your flag on the bump next time fool. If I'm not in position to make the interception/block, I'm going for the flags as fast as I can.
  8. aint no thang, I was thinking about this earlier. the defenseman going to make the tackle really has to commit to the tackle and not worry about the pitch man, otherwise you'll likely miss the tackle or the man wont pitch, but if you commit, you'll either force the pitch or get the tackle. this is the hard part, everyone is going to have to play till the play is dead, we're going to have to get pursuit by the lineman and mlb on the pass plays in case of the pitch, we're going to have to key in on the pitchman. If the pitch is in the backfield, it would have been forced by the lineman, and i'll pick up the pitchman. if we keep the pressure on throughout the play i think we'll be able to force a number of turnovers or atleast some dead balls
  9. im going to shit my pants laughing if phils shirt says chocolate ass pirate or something of that nature.
  10. Brrcats

    Angry Birds....

    Many hours have been wasted due to angry birds. They're just so angry
  11. Thanks bud, I felt I was able to make more of an impact at mlb He was, he emailed me a pic of his foot after the game, all black and blue from the ankle and all down the side to the toes. Dudes a beast
  12. Got my copy through amazon, so I"ll have to wait for release day delivery. Wont be on till wednesday anyway though. and im on PS3 now, so bleh
  13. I"m still good for friday. Also, I dont care about cold, as long as we have a lit field to play on. if need be my apartment complex has all those meeting rooms/ lounge type areas too, I'm on the corner of Lazelle and Sancus
  14. word to that, and atleast you would have put some tension on the cord, which in most cases will cause it to release anyway, I really hate these types of flags
  15. I"m going to pull everyones flags, every play, whether they have the ball or not
  16. jerseys automatically add to your stats, didn't you know, lol? but on this, I disagree, I'd actually like to look like a team, and the longer we hold off the less likely we'd actually get them at all, I'm not sure what the lead time for them would be, but I would have to think it would take atleast a couple weeks Side Note not that my shit dont stink or anything, but one thing I noticed we need to work on defensively is pulling the flags, its definitely something tough to get down, but I think if we take some time at practice to go over it, it will help. also, if anyone has needle and thread, i'd like to sew steves flags to his shirt so he stops randomly losing them
  17. actually, the final score was 20-34, which included the last touchdown they got, but I think it should have been 27-34, cause both the defense and offense scored twice.
  18. this it? http://www.realtor.com/property-detail/6191-Emberwood-Rd_Dublin_OH_43017_a9d91a03 http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/6191-Emberwood-Rd_Dublin_OH_43017_M41710-45136
  19. Hey Steve, any word on jersey prices? Wasnt the guy supposed to call you yesterday?
  20. yeah, i really hate tennis too
  21. I asked steve at practice sunday how much they were going to run, he thought about,20-25 One of the sites I posted had jerseys for 17-20, but they weren't customized, but I like the idea of jerseys over t shirts Maybe someone can call steve so he can get s firm price on jerseys after the customization to see if we want to go that route
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