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Everything posted by Brrcats

  1. Crap, I cant remember the brand, but my dad just bought a new HD camcorder, the going price is 700 something, but apparently Chase employees have a discount through this online company and he got it for a little over $500. Apparently its gotten great reviews and is one of the better camcorders on the market. if you know someone at Chase to buy it for you, let me know, I'll track down the make and model of the camcorder
  2. Thats pretty cool, but I still like the elise and the exige better
  3. If this catches on I'll just get a hybrid badge, affix it to a magnet, and put it on the back of the Z whenever I want to park in the spot. honestly I think this is stupid as hell. you would think that if its becuase they are rewarding people for saving gas they would want the gas guzzlers to park closer since that way they will be using less gas driving around the parking lot.
  4. What weekend are you planning on having this?
  5. Well thats just weird. How come all the weird shit comes from China or India?
  6. I was able to use a guys lift to put on my test pipes a few weeks ago, it made it amazingly easy, and not having to have the fear of you car falling on you and crushing you to death is always a positive note in my book. i would definitely pay for the use of a lift.
  7. not in WV, got busted for 6 over, cost about 180 bucks. sucks, but what can you do.
  8. I was on academic probation once in college, from doing way too many things at once I let my studies fall behind, I had to suck it up, drop off the extra curriculars and focus on studying, which meant learning how to study in college, becuase its definitely different than studying in high school. Where you fucked up was you just focused on that one class you failed before and not your whole courseload. If you can safely drop the course you're going to fail, do so. If you cant, you better be the fuckin ball, cause you're screwed if you dont pull it off
  9. I was reading in one of the articles that the kid was invited to join the team that won the league championship the year before, he declined and went with another team. Apparently the owner of the sponsor of the championship team is also on the league committee or whatever. So basically its a case of butthurt and they are portraying this kids talent as a danger to the other kids.
  10. Is that a burschur racing sticker on the back of the white evo's door? If so I saw this guy on 70 yesterday, looked like he wasnt in a good mood. Car was looking and sounding good though :thumbup:
  11. well the middle ones are, you need the outer ones for balance though
  12. ^^ we were playing hardcore the other night when most of us were on. and from what I remember we were handing people their asses.
  13. I think its appropriate that he was fired. As a officer you represent the precinct and the city, by being part of the hoax and identifying yourself and using your credibility as a police officer to try and represent the hoax as reality you are opening the city and the precint to criticism as you are a representative of those organizations. sounds like grounds for termination to me.
  14. Wait, theres a pizza love thread? I love me some Rofini's
  15. if you dont have forza yet you should get that from him, its a great game
  16. shes got buttcheeks on her stomach thats a hell of a lot more woman than I can handle
  17. it was a great segment, i love that show
  18. I dont have an iphone, but I saw this segment last night Colbert Report- Iphone Kill switch
  19. Brrcats

    BTN vs TW

    well that sucks.
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