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mischief last won the day on August 29 2008

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About mischief

  • Birthday 02/25/1990

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    brook park
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  1. the reason why people buy these cars are not because of the horsepower. It is just like all the people that buy Miata's, they are "driver" cars. I am not saying that I would purchase one myself but I heard they are a great ride.
  2. i have a red 99 cavalier with only 46600 miles that i want to get rid of. the car has no body rust at all and there are no big scratches on it anywhere. the car has nothing done to it besides a kenwood cd player installed. everything works perfect on it. im looking for 4000 o.b.o. offer up the worst i can say is no. PICS UP!! http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/softballbabi4lf/Picture878.jpg http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/softballbabi4lf/Picture879.jpg http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/softballbabi4lf/Picture880.jpg
  3. hmmm well what would the cost be to fix it? probably really cheap considering its only a wire so its probably plug and play.
  4. how is the nelsons road course? me and a couple of my friends were thinking of going there one time and i would just like to know if it is maintained well and how expensive it is.
  5. mischief


    yeah its definitely those damn carbs......
  6. alright i noticed that my cars blinker was blinking really fast and dim so i thought that it was just a bulb. well i changed the bulb and that obviously didnt stop the fast ticking. is my actual "blinker" shorting out or something? how would i go about fixing this? thanks
  7. the individual who shot the kid should not be roaming the streets with a firearm because obviously he has no idea what situations require guns.
  8. that car looks a little to futuristic to me
  9. mischief

    Kinda new...

    nice dsm and very clean engine
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