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Posts posted by CRAWDAD

  1. I went racing yesterday, thought I might have fucked up the syncro on the 1-2 shift. I missed 2nd gear 3 out of 8 passes


    Today I unloaded the car and did five hard launches 0-100mph to see if it would grind going to 2nd. or if I would miss 2nd gear again. Nope everything worked great. I realized I was just being a pussy while shifting yesterday.


    Came home, parked the Mustang, took the trailer back to storage. Decided to go for another cruise. Did about 3 more hard pulls to 140, everything checked out perfect! Yep I was just shifting like a pussy at the track. I glad everything is working properly, I thought this was going to get expensive. I was ready to start my research to swap my car over to an automatic.

  2. 1/8 mile of course. pb 7.14@99.80mph


    I personally lost 43lbs (down to 185) and removed 2 10" subs, speaker box and 4 amps (factory shit) thats 52.5lbs. They say 100lbs is a tenth, but i need a little more than that.


    Maybe a new PB, if not i hope i go rounds and get paid.


    I'll be at Pacemakers all day on Saturday.

  3. Saw that truck, must have been a heck of a ride doing 77 in that thing. Did anyone hear how fast the guy on the little dirtbike went? I think it was yellow and I would be surprised if it was bigger than 80cc but he was giving it hell. lol


    not sure which bike it was but the slowest thing I remember went 58mph


    here are sme more cars. Bad thing is, the new cars had to let off (ford gt,xlr and a few others) Bentley's don't have too though;)














  4. I will post up my pics and try my best to remember what the cars ran. If I am incorrect feel free to correct me. I didn't write down any times, just going off what I remember.


    rx7-207mph on their last pass



    yellow gremlin 204mph


    boss 302-164mph



    ice cream truck-77mph (that's my 10yr old daughter beside it for size comparison)


  5. $20 late fee when you go to register it next time. If its going to be down a while, the $20 late fee would be cheaper than paying for tags for an unsued vehical. However, you can't park a vehical with expired tags on the street or in an Apartment complex parking lot (you can get a ticket/impounded). Put theft and fire insurance on it just incase the state decides to mail a letter wanting proof of insurance.

    Even more reason to trade my '07 in. hhmmm


    Ofcoarse they SAY they are unphased. What else can they say?


    I can assure you their panties are in a bunch. 95% of people that buy brand new ZL1s and GT500s will never track them. They merely want to have the biggest and best, latest and greatest. In the bragging world its all about HP. One of the 13 GT500s I ordered was for a guy who was going to get a ZL1. Had Ford left the Shelby at its 2012 HP levels this guy, (and many like him) would own a ZL1 now.


    Guess I'm in the 5%


    Any idea on prices yet?

    54k base price


    They won't be available at INVOICE, thats a fact - lol


    Sure they will. Guy across the street bought a 2012 for 3k below sticker, and that was before they annonced the huge jump in HP for the 2013's

  7. I had a great time except when it came to talking to the Devo Tuning Evo crew. JJ can attest to the figurative finger they gave me when I tried to initiate a conversation with them. I'm not used to being snubbed and it really left a sour taste.


    Yes, i was there. Alex just asked a simple question. Answer was "i dont know" and then turned their back to us.


    I thought it was a real d-bag move. I lost respect for the team. Not like my opinion matters.

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