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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. RyM3rC


    Sure Chris. What did you put in your tank again this week? How about last week? And the week before that? Sure you can run mad boost yo, but look at the bones! http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o61/solargem/Looting/enchanter-tim.jpg
  2. Oh man, look at all these problems! Who in the hell voted for this thing anyway? Did they just round up all the bums in buses and take them to the voting stations? While we're at it let's legalize prostitution and marijuana, hell I'd rather have those than casinos.
  3. Interesting link. See any rs4's in there Chris? I would not drive any of the cars on teh least-expensive list though, but maybe my sister would. Also, in typical consumer reports fashion, they didn't even try to balance the results with real-world analysis. A viper costing 3x as much (as a SX4) to maintain over 5 years is nothing, considering it costs so many times as much to buy. (Did anyone notice I compared the most expensive car to the cheapest one?) If they had taken into account the purchase price of the cars, they would have been close as a percentage of the total price spent on maintenance. Yeah, someone who drops $55k on an nice Audi or BMW really gives a shit about spending $8k on operating it over 5 years. That's the kind of thing that doesn't really impact the class of owner until years down the road after it has depreciated and poor folks like me can afford nice Audis, but not the maintenance.
  4. ouch. I thought that was because Americans were stupid enough to think Hondas last forever? I highly doubt this is true outside America, but what do I know? Autotrader shows people asking $5.5 - $14k for 1999 BMW's, and $3k-$8k for Hondas. Close, but no cigar.
  5. RyM3rC

    MW2 thoughts

    Psh, if you got a real AK you'd have it no matter what level you were on!
  6. Welcome. First WRX I've seen in awhile with a stock exhaust on it.
  7. Who would have thought there would be govt. money given to detroit and wall street? Nobody can imagine how dumb the government is until it gets desperate. Don't need to. There is enough contained in the CBJ post alone to imply this being a bad idea, let alone all the other arguments we've been over about casinos before. Yeah, that's one of the problems. It's a monopoly genius, and that never works out for the customer. Who's ignorant now? I don't give a shit how many people the CBJ are keeping in business. If it's failing, they're all working on borrowed time so to speak. This is going to be one big giant "I told you so" you just wait and see.
  8. No subsonic .22s? They're pretty quiet too. How do you get a 7.62 x 25 to be quiet? That damn thing cracks and shoots fireballs out of a CZ-52!
  9. Couldn't be more true. If only the C&R market would pick back up.
  10. Pwned! Wait, what? Maybe you're thinking of Brandy? Or Candy? You've been dating the wrong chicks, man.
  11. RyM3rC

    MW2 thoughts

    After tossing a stun grenade and a frag maybe.
  12. Really? Was it in the corral?
  13. RyM3rC

    MW2 thoughts

    Oh man, single player and online play are two very very different animals. Especially with commando you can knife someone from a good 10+ feet away. I've been knifed many many times by people on the other side of the street from me, seriously. Flanking is a crucial strategy in most game modes, but that involves coming up behind people in which case they're not walking into you, but walking away from you typically.
  14. Haha, seriously. Let's be like Michigan and have 2 of the top 5 most dangerous cities in the nation!!! Good job retards! Detroit = fail.
  15. Seriously. Like I said, that's a smokin deal for $3k, so if it doesn't sell I may just buy it and have another track bike. What mileage does the title show?
  16. RyM3rC

    MW2 thoughts

    So people just wait around corners for you at pre-determined distances? That's a neat trick. If they're close enough for a headshot with a pistol, they're should be close enough for a knife. A shotgun will always beat a pistol at close range, whether it's a body shot or a headshot.
  17. Oh yeah, I forgot about that little thing. You guys didn't honestly think casinos were going up in Ohio without shady sketchy back-room deals and corrupt kickbacks and such did you? Worst amendment ever!
  18. Damn, that's looking pretty good for $3k. Nobody wants this?
  19. RyM3rC

    MW2 thoughts

    Yeah, it is. You get into a room with NON-noobs, and .30 seconds will make or break a fight. You run out of ammo on a group of guys, better get that pistol out and make them count. Been there done that, on MW2.
  20. We'll see. I'm sure a bunch of people thought it would be a good idea to have a hockey team here, and look how that worked out? There's a thread right down there somewhere about it... You just wait until the city raises your taxes to bail out a casino that it will collect revenue on. Don't think the crooked-assed Columbus .gov won't do it! If I lived anywhere near the site, I'd be protesting like crazy. They'll do a shitty job and it will be a dumpy eyesore in 10 years. CBJ = fail. City Center = fail. Casino = ???
  21. RyM3rC

    MW2 thoughts

    Oh my god, that's a machine pistol, jeez! Try a 'handgun' and enjoy the fast swapping. It's at least .35 seconds faster.
  22. RyM3rC

    MW2 thoughts

    Hell yeah! Totally pwns in the open grassy place. Then the choppers come in and pwn some more. You can tear anyone up there with a chopper gunner, if I could ever get one.
  23. Meh. I'm not overly impressed with those. I'm honestly not impressed with any of those companies, and now is definitely not the time to buy Ford (f). I guess time will tell, but that's why I like penny stocks. 10% happens daily, and all you gotta do is plan ahead a little and get in line.
  24. Nice. Way to split up a family you homewrecker :D
  25. RyM3rC

    MW2 thoughts

    If you use claymores, try scavenger so you can pick up more. Also, don't go by the in-game stats bars, they don't mean much. Use whatever gun you get the most kills with and works best for you. Keep at it!
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