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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. I'm about 600 rounds into my test-case of Aguila 9mm and it has been excellent so far. Pretty clean, much more accurate than wolf/silver bear/brown bear, and no bad rounds yet. Too soon to tell for sure, but looking good as of now.
  2. Pretty solid price, might have to pick one of those up. BRB, waiting on ATF...
  3. Yep. Two young ladies were standing at the door to the theater and everyone was wanded before they were let in. Was earlier this spring at lennox if I remember correctly. I didn't see any metal detectors by the emergency exit.
  4. Last time I went to a new movie screening they were wanding people with a metal detector as they went in. They did very loose purse checks. Thank goodness they didn't let any law-abiding CCWs in or I could have died when the movie triggered a subliminal tea-party planted killing mechanism. inb4 more illusions of security
  5. Are you sure? Then why do I consistently see people hit their brakes when they see policemen even when they're going under the speed limit? I'm sure policemen are there to "protect and serve" but I've never had any experience with them that wasn't purely revenue generation/transportation tax/nuisance.
  6. What a shame. It has happened in the past and it will happen again I'm sure. Maybe not as likely in Indiana though..
  7. I've got an extra commercial receiver extension and collapsible stock I'll never use. Might have a stripped lower sitting around somewhere too
  8. Is this where I insert a generic Ron Paul statement?
  9. So, is it time to start the armed revolt yet? Just wake me when it's time, my alarm is hit and miss.
  10. How many miles per gallon does "Isn't bad on gas" equate to? That's not a bad lookin truck.
  11. yeah this was a pretty big deal back when whatever passed to give them another post. The news said they're really "cracking down" on 270, so have fun with that. I recall the FOP is actually against it, as the state nazi force is expanding and local police departments are getting shafted. Chalk one up for bigger government. Oh, and fuck the state patrol. I've been stopped for everything from "cracks in tires" to passing on the right and given tickets for all sorts of bullshit. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
  12. I just saw a b29 flying over dropping pamphlets about some kind of super bomb dropping on our city, but it's PROBABLY just another routine observation flight or something.
  13. I sure hope for your sake cheap online well pumps aren't like cheap online alternators/water pumps/ etc. The well pumps I see at TSC are closer to $300ish, but I don't know if they're any good. Add a cheapo craigslist pressure tank + controller and see what happens.
  14. A pressure tank is a big round tank probably around the size (maybe smaller) than your hot water tank. One of the well lines will go into this. Also you should have a well control box on the wall near the wires. Mine has a 220v line to the breaker box, and another to the pressure switch on the water line. It sounds like you're missing some parts, but the expensive one is the well pump if it's toast.
  15. RyM3rC


    That sounds like something I would do haha. Any of your friends/wedding party become suspiciously scarce afterwards? It would take a bold person to break into your house like that and still socialize with you.
  16. RyM3rC


    Major bummer man. I would have thought firearms would be among the first thing a thief would grab? I hope they get caught.
  17. Changing clock-in times as well as denying overtime for hours worked is against the law. If she has proof she should pursue this. Have her google Dept of Labor, but be forewarned it's a BIATCH to get a hold of them so she'll probably have to leave a message or actually go downtown.
  18. last year sam's club still had Super Soaker XP 9Gillion or whatever. I don't know if they still have them? Bonus points if it's neon yellow/orange
  19. I can't think of any legal recourse for your friend unless they're being sexually/racially/etc insensitive, time to find another job. If she's fired because she isn't sexually interesting to the manager she could try for a wrongful termination suit, but gooooood luck. That's pretty shitty.
  20. EEOC will only talk to you if it is an equal opportunity issue. That will probably be the first question they ask actually. If it is not racially/sexually/etc motivated, they won't help you. If they are not giving her PTO that she has accrued (assuming that's company policy) then call dept of labor wage division and report wage theft. If it's just a personal grudge thing, I'd guess she'll need to hire an attorney. And another thing. If she leaves the job and expects to collect unemployment she'll need to prove she had just cause for separation, which she'll most likely have to rely on the company to provide evidence. That can be pretty tough in itself.
  21. ROUS? Rodent Of Unusual Size of course. Keyword spamming much? Good job craigslist
  22. looks like a fun way to get rich?
  23. welcome, let's see some neato pics of your vehicles/subway trains/tremors
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