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Harry Bird

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Posts posted by Harry Bird

  1. So this one time I'm laying in bed, I hear the door bell ring, so I trot down the steps, open the door and its a dark figure, b4 I turn the lights on I'm attacked. This man is on top of me yelling at the top of his lungs " suprise sex mother fucker, suprise sex". Then he hit me in the head with a blunt object. Wen I wake up I'm strapped to a chair looking at a projected screen flickering through images. Wen my vision becomes 100% its brian carter in all of these pics. His voice behind me saying " why can I not get into the chip in dales calender? Look at those abs, girard butler ain't got shit on me. " there were pics of him in hawain bikins, leapord thongs, a black speedo with nipple tassels. There was 1 where he was on a puppet horse with jus a cowboys hat on. I mean it was kina hawt, but I digress. So he turns the lights on, walks in front of me and has on the outfit from the flippin village people. The black guys construction uniform. And the qoute of the nite, he says " would you fuck this guy? I mean really, id fuck me, why won scott? " I then passed out, wen I woke up I was laying in my lawn with all my clothes off and my ear hurting. Fucking crazy nite


    i vote phil

  2. I didn't get any boo's when I was there in the SS



    brice road was horrible, boring and just a total let down :(


    went to brice atfer and their was a small burnout pit at the econo lodge that was all i seen

  3. Heath for this one. Reynoldsburd is to dumb to let this happen.


    i live 30sec from brice rd and i still drive to heath to watch it reynoldsburg sucks so bad it brings so much money to a area that needs it and their mad beacuse their doing a few burouts i will deff be attending heath

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