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Harry Bird

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Posts posted by Harry Bird

  1. oooooh I'm shaking....


    See you in 30 mins, for the time it takes for your lazy ass to get up, we whole 20yard parking lot (stopping half way to get a breather), come in class, chase me as i run away for a little bit, all before I give you a swift roundhouse to the jaw.



    oh shit youre here....


    it dident turn out like that did it ?

  2. psh.. just like you were in for the fight night assface?


    I didnt get to beat you up, so I'll light you up sunday!


    i had to work bud i will walk over to auto lab right now and kick your ass cody if u would like and sunday your gona seea fat man dip and roll on a paintball field like u have never seen befor

  3. the whole place was filled with people bouncing off redline and then parking and the thing that told me to leave (besides the weather) was when a SUV full of fitted hats and monster block t-shirts pulled up listing to the the song came on in f&f i was like wtf is this i realy felt like i was in a crappy 2f2f remix

    and it was just bad

  4. nobody's getting walked tonight - police everywhere - i just left there and one followed me all the way back to cemetery -lame

    nice meetin ya tho jeff & slomaro - we can do a roll on the interstate some other time...


    it was cold as shit and my bigness wasent having it with no coat lol hopefully next time it wont be cold

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