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Harry Bird

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Posts posted by Harry Bird

  1. well i had the boy, and his momma was picking him up early on sunday so i didnt stay as late as normal! plus everyone bolted after being stuck, to go watch star trek!


    I'll be firing the grill back up here soon,her mom is stopping out in a bit.



    na rhett went to go take more pics of him and his car i just went home and chilled . a u think u could send thous pics over when u get a sec ?

  2. man i went down their around like 10 and i rolled in and got revved at at least 5 times befor i parked and i would say that i could beat most of the cars their and im slow as hell so if yall want to go get a few fun times im down o wait the one good thing i did see was some boobs lol
  3. The one with the girl behind the car, looking like shes trying to stuff your tailpipes. The one you have now is the better pic, but if you want I can give it a go.





    Wait a minute ... ewwwwwww.


    lol yea if u could do like a combo pic like yours or something with like camaro embelms in or and whats the ewwwww for

  4. Hear are all the pics i took from yesterday.we all should go out again this weekend and do some rolling pics.




















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