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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. ok, now were getting somewhere. but 20 years old?
  2. i didnt say i was saving it. with the payments im making now, i dont have any money to put into the car, or any spending money for that matter.
  3. reallly looking for a turbo car. and this seems like a good place to start. how about turbo at 100k miles? again, whats a rebuild cost?
  4. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement Paulina.
  5. In June, or before that after my clutch is replaced, im selling the mustang. im selling because a car payment at this point in my life is not exactly the best idea. also, since i have the car payment, i also have to carry full coverage on the mustang, which is ~$1900 a year just on insurance. and its a v8 so it drinks gas like none other. buying an integra would be more economically friendly for myself, but still allow me to build and play with the car. after the mustang is gone, ill have about 4500 to spend just on the car. the integra i get will be boosted. the last few weeks ive been doing quite a bit of research and it seems the best model is the gsr. the GSR's are more costly than the other models but the performance out of them seems pretty nice. how do these cars hold up at 150k+ miles? is it bad idea to put a t3/t4 at 160k miles? secondly, what can these handle on stock internals, and fuel injectors/pumps? also considering the RS/LS model. these seem to be more in my price range. again, what kind of power can these handle on stock internals, injectors/pumps? how well will they hold up against a turbo at 100K+ miles? these only rev up 7k rather than 8 or 9 like the GSR. how do these respond to boost? it seems the ones ive seen online have rust in the rear quarter, but is there anything else i should look for? how do the trannys hold up on these? whats a motor rebuild cost? also interested in learning about the D series motors. any links/information that could be provided would be helpful.
  6. jeffro

    Pure fail!

    wow. whats the point of having gigantic tires of only the very center(20%) of the entire tire is touching the road. hmm do not want.
  7. ok, well i will keep that as an open option. we wil see what happends in the nxt week
  8. i was thinking the same thing, but it was just something i pulled off google. same ugly car, if only mspaint would allow me to make the bucket a little more translucent. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/S9Wxu2Xy2kI/AAAAAAAAAdY/3f6nA03Zy9o/26483-clipart-illustration-of-a-volkswagen-beetle-car-in-black-and-white.jpg
  9. o snap. so then is that an option you would consider?
  10. /boredom. its bigger and dumber than what your looking for, but kept me occupied. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/S9WuiGtPa8I/AAAAAAAAAdQ/zFbHbvlU_wY/26483-clipart-illustration-of-a-volkswagen-beetle-car-in-black-and-white.jpg
  11. all boats are like that ding dong. paul, did you forget the drain plug again?
  12. tonight the clutch started slipping in the 03 mustang gt. the clutch disk itself is only about 3 months old, but it looks like it wasn't cross compatible with a ford pressure plate(even though FRPP said it was) so first i'm going to need a clutch setup. the pressure plate is for a 10.5 king cobra clutch disk. i have a 26 spline input shaft so it has to be a 26 spline king cobra 10.5" clutch disk if possible. if anyone knows where i can find one, please link me or PM me. if that isn't an option i will also do a full clutch setup(disk and PP) although i don't want to spend the money on that. secondly, im sick and tired of pulling my tranny on the ground. Ive done it 4 or so times now on a gravel driveway, and im not doing it again. ideally, if someone could let me borrow their lift for a day that would be highly desirable, and id be willing to pay for lift time(pizza, beer, money, whatever you want). I'm also entertaining offers on a shop to do it for me, although id rather do it myself. but if the price is right, we will talk. i have my own tools, and will clean up after myself. an air hookup would be convinient, but i understand beggars cant be choosy. The Route 66 2010 rally is coming up, and most of my money is going into that. if push comes to shove, ill find another vehicle. the rally begins may 18, so before that, but as soon as possible would be best. after the rally, the car is going up for sale in june. Thanks, Jeff
  13. http://www.youtube.com/user/historychannel?v=Wk1nrgm55gQ&feature=pyv&ad=5005205924&kw=united%20states%20history this looks like an awesome show. its 3 hours long starting at 9pm. I love learning about history. too bad ill be at work, so ill be DVRing it. anyone else seen previews for this?
  14. needs moar camber.... http://media.youdrivewhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/79.jpg
  15. repost for the third time. but, im sure it says in the fine print somewhere that dmg might occur and the track owners wont be held responsible. so there not much i could do.
  16. sam, nows our chance to dig race. spot me 3 and the hit.
  17. if you think your Jeep guzzles gas, wait till you start driving a Mustang. 16MPG ftl
  18. i believe its for security purposes. idk what kind of permissions you have on your laptop, but try creating a new connection under network properties. see if they have a VPN option. not really getting the gist of whats going on here.
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