edit: i really dont see why you guys are all butthurt. i didnt do anything. i didnt trash talk, and i didnt say anything rude last night. the "oh thats cute" was referring to YOUR FRIEND out drinking.
a huge thanks to brian for takin good care of me yesterday and gettin the kinks worked out of the mustang. if you want your car tuned, take it nowhere else but dyno tune motorsports. he knows his shit!!!
brian and i are headin down to kilkare on thursday weather permitting for test and tune. if anyone else wants to go that would be sweet if we could all cruise down together. we will be meeting up at the Marathon station at rome hilliard and 70 at around 3:45-4:00PM
im currently renting a server that i dont use. so basically im lookin for someone who will either run the server for me or split it. i dont have the time for it really but i hate to see it sit there vacant. i got a hell of a deal on it and i dont want to lose it.
server specs:
currently set as a surf server
15 man public
66 tick
location: chicago
oh and i drove my car through last years winter. the slighest bit of snow or precip made it nearly impossible for my 8 mile drive to work. scary as fuck