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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. in what town? delaware? where
  2. jeffro

    Friday Night 8/21

    i work until 10. hey paul send me a message if anything is still kickin after 10 would ya?
  3. his mystic isnt faster than me. actually he drove my car faster than his cobra . we wont talk about on the bottle though =|. paul get next tuesday off and if the weather is clear im going to kilkare. be there
  4. jeffro

    My back

    definately worth posting about
  5. theyre on queer. be ready to be dominated by 4.10s
  6. saw this last tuesday. funny as fuck.!
  7. nice 1g mang. my old mans got one. not nearly as clean as this. how many miles are on it? +rep
  8. clean car on the outside. gl bub
  9. bump, price lowered AGAIN
  10. for a 3650 transmission. needs a handle, but ive got the ball for it. like new http://www.americanmuscle.com/pro-50-mustang-tr3650-shifter.html asking 50$
  11. need a set of wheels for some drag radials/track days. just need 2. lemme know what youve got must be 17s/ thanks, jeff
  12. no kidding lols. DRs pending to me =)
  13. fuck you steve, i asked first
  14. re post..............................
  15. damn i got 4 points on my lisence. damn reckless op.
  16. uhh shanton? ouch. reminds me of the guy who dove headfirst into a 3 ft swimming pool on his first date and knocked out his teeth. lol!
  17. have any that are a hair wider? like 275?
  18. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Grandview+ave+at+33+columbus+ohio&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=50.644639,114.169922&ie=UTF8&ll=39.97319,-83.045762&spn=0.01207,0.027874&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=39.973268,-83.045747&panoid=6r6Q-ktI3SAdFh-9qnH0nw&cbp=12,298.61,,0,1.88 the yellowish thing?
  19. van? that looks like a prosche cayman to me edit: ohhhh your talking about the google van?
  20. i wouldnt mind taking a cruise down for this. anyone else? edit: thats far as helllllllll
  21. i would not recommend having it shipped to the UPS freight terminal. they effed my last shipment up
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