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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. registered. ha thats a cool site you got there. i see alot of potential with that domain name.
  2. :thumbup: glad she pulled through.my mom had a tomber removed from her stomach a few years back. was the size of a grapefruit. things like this are scary. now for a wonderful recovery!
  3. jeffro

    kilkare tomorrow

    headin down to kilkare again tomorrow to work on some 60 ft times. anyone else goin?
  4. hit up kilkare tomorrow. starting a thread now
  5. Again, we'll see when we get there
  6. we'll see what we get there. keke
  7. Squale Modifications ill pass lol:bangbang:
  8. hey pal, Remember me from polaris. the "thats cute" dude. head out to kilkare thursday for some friendly racing.
  9. "pretty stock" includes a cam, interesting.
  10. List of mods please? be honest dude, i was honest in my thread. got 2 4.6s that are eye ballin your offer,
  11. saved by the graph
  12. jeffro

    ATTN: 01Stang

    yes you can turn it off but everytime the car turns off the traction control turns back on. pain in the ass IMO
  13. to the best of my knowledge carp are bottom feeders. they eat shit like moss, and other crap that grows on the bottom.
  14. damn why didnt i see this yesterday. yo steve next time you go fishing at alum send me a PM and ill head out with ya. i live minutes from there
  15. jeffro

    ATTN: 01Stang

    i stalled several times due to traction control at kilkare thursday. it happends
  16. wonderboy is a homo, jeremy is uh, To Be Determined. welcome.
  17. wow this went downhill in a hurry.
  18. thanks everybody. once the DRs go on we'll see if ive got a 12 sex gt
  19. at the last track day out at ntr i could only run a 14.2. i let brian tune it and holy shit nearly a second off the ET. temps were about 70 with mostly sunny skies.
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