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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. Add some pics and you have the makings of a good intro...and STi pics will probably get you + rep from me.
  2. Littleguy


    Welcome to the site
  3. I liked that I was thanked for the -rep. What's up with nobody reading the rules?
  4. I watch it, but can you really say you don't think it could be sooo much better? Tiff is a pussy!
  5. I can take the spring compressor up to your house if someone wants to drop it off to me.
  6. If you wouldn't make Fifth Gear suck so much I wouldn't have to just watch Top Gear twice. I would rather stab myself in the eye than watch Fifth Gear.
  7. I'm sure whenever there is a penis involved in something you are right on top of it.
  8. You'll get your episodes from where I tell you to get them! When I tell you to get them!! And I'll tell you when you can watch them to. :gtfo:
  9. I think capitalizing some of the letters would make it seem more official. j/k man, just busting your balls a little.
  10. The car does sound nice. Welcome to the site.
  11. Littleguy

    why the fuck

    Never been raped by one
  12. Littleguy

    why the fuck

    Dirty Sanchez?
  13. This topic makes me happy.
  14. Littleguy

    why the fuck

    My WRX would drag you around the block sooo bad :bangbang:
  15. They have one in Houston, and it is one of my favorite places to eat.
  16. 4/10 Manufacturers, 3/10 Model
  17. Add an LSX and they would be perfect.
  18. Fine Supersonic Cheeseburger it is, but this means I'm not going to take it easy on you
  19. I'm trying to put together enough people to win a whole meal. So far Paul will be buying me my burrito entre....a Cherrylimade does sound good for dessert...
  20. I'll put a breakfast burrito on it
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