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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. Agreed with Jones, it is a very cool move by Chrysler. It's just too bad there is no Chrysler product besides a Wrangler that I would own.
  2. Time to see who can get the highest number in the neighborhood.
  3. I'll give you a hell of a deal on my racing beat when I get the exhaust work done next month. It's a single tip.
  4. Same as above for me. I also like automotive related items that I can wear and still look like an adult.
  5. .....and now we wait for the aftermath of the fake F150 accident...
  6. Just to update everyone I just ordered a Vibrant muffler from Alex. It has pretty much all the qualities I want except it isn't titanium and the price was impossible to beat!
  7. Yes! Chuck is such a cool RX-7 owner, very experienced and a little bit crazy lol. Since joining the RX-7 community here in Houston I've realized that he is responsible for keeping a good amount of the FD's down here on the road. The cool thing is he does it for the love of the cars. Actually, here's a shot of the mad scientist at work from the other day. http://i1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa450/restore34/7meet036copy_zps53a4f410.jpg And as long as this is an RX-7 thread, here's an article that a local blog did on our cars with tons of nice pics (Chucks car is the dark gray one). http://propergarage.com/press/?p=1873
  8. Have you considered taking a trip to buy one? When I got mine brand new in Houston the sticker was $26,800 and I ended up paying $21,600 brand stinkin' new.
  9. Just completed some fabrication work with my Chicken Nuggets at lunch. I had to take the stock nugget and dip it in buffalo sauce....fab work is hard.
  10. Thanks, I've noticed that rotary owners have more knowledge about their cars than the majority of other enthusiasts. We have an RX-7 owner here in Houston that has owned his since 1992, daily drove it until 2003, and still tunes it and takes it out to meets on a regular basis.
  11. The FD is by far the most enjoyable sports car I have ever owned. Thanks for posting.
  12. Looking on Boost Logic, something like this http://www.boostlogic.com/catalog/p29837/HKS-Carbon-Titanium-170mm-Muffler-Universal-/product_info.html would be what I was going for.
  13. Thanks for the offer but I'm in Houston so it would be a pretty long drive to fit it, haha. For the RX-7 quality of the parts will be more of a priority than price but I'm still going to see if Alex has ideas for something nice from Vibrant.
  14. You can get a pretty basic DSLR like my Canon Rebel T3 for well under $500. I assure you she would love it.
  15. I looked on ebay but it's seriously impossible to find a 4 inch in and out. And you got your so easily years ago. :fuuuu: Thanks! Their website has everything!
  16. So, due to a rattle that started yesterday and the fact that I don't like how my Racing Beat exhaust sounds I'm looking to get some parts together to build a new one. The plan is to ulitmately 4 inch mandrel bent piping with an electric cutout going to an N1 style muffler. I figure that way I can have the best of the rice exhaust/sound and a cutout when I want to redneck it, lol. I'm having a lot of trouble finding something with both 4 inch in and out with the N1 look that I am going for. Anybody know where to find these things?
  17. You fail at math skills. 180mph is 3 miles per minute.
  18. Either one of my cars is faster than your Vette.
  19. Or his pos Corvette falling to pieces and causing the shrapnel to rain onto you.
  20. I've got to chime in here even though I wasn't asked, lol. My perspective comes from a person who knows nothing about how to use an iphone or ipad and has no intention of buying one, I am just an investor. 1. Apple isn't and shouldn't be concerned with concerned with iphone as far as the perspective of leading in market share. What's important for apple in the segment are: 1. margins and 2. Sales growth over seas. When you pay Verizon $200 to upgrade to your iphone5 or whatever apple not only gets the $200 you paid but also another $400-$600 from the phone carrier. The concerns here would be carriers not paying their costs on the phone vs the much cheaper fees they pay to Samsung, Nokia, etc... on their phones. The other concern would be that people in developing markets would not see the value in paying a premium for an apple product over another brand. 2. As far as tablet growth I do not see the market as being over saturated at all yet, especially not overseas. The danger here in my opinion comes from the new generation of Windows 8 machines that can be true desktop replacements in the form of a tablet, but even these haven't proven themselves to be widely accepted yet. 3. I know that no Aapl product has better specs than any other brand out there for a cheaper price. Aapl's secret to success has been making products that are easy for stupid people to use. Products that "feel" good and that make technology less intimidating. Something that you need to realize is that the earnings miss they just had wasn't a "bad" earnings result. They grew by 19%, which is huge, compared to the 20% that "analysts" had guessed they would make. I think the real reason for the selloff in the past few months is 2 reasons: 1. Aapl was very very over owned by both individual investors but mainly by funds and a correction was due. 2. Aapl went up so much in 2012 that a lot of the selling was simply people taking their profits. In this short term owning Aapl is going to be like living on a roller coaster, but the long-term investor should see this sale as a buying opportunity.
  21. A little bird has told me that picking up some GUKYF or some SHASF could be a wise choice.
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