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Everything posted by greg1647545532
I just mean in general.
Why do you have such strong opinions about stuff that you know very little about?
Do you seriously get your news from Instagram? Is that a smart place to get news? Fuck facebook. eta: Here, read about Fauci's un-fucking-paralleled career on Wikipedia, which is a pretty lackluster source but is about 18 million times better than getting your information from Instagram. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation's highest honor, by noted lib GW Bush for his selfless, decades long efforts combating HIV. Here's a quote from that wiki page: Do you have a rebuttal to that? Helen Andrews' take seems pretty reasonable to me. Goddamn I can't wait for this thread to get nuked with all of CR.
Has this Fauci guy even been on JRE?
Assuming its the same white one I saw about an hour ago, it had normal temp tags.
Likewise. I also hope that case numbers go down, ICUs empty, and our health care workers get a much needed break. It's hard to bitch too much about still wearing masks or needing boosters when they're going through round, what, 4 now?
You're welcome. I would disagree with your assessment, though. I don't think that anybody has promised anything. Everyone is doing their best with the best information they have in a constantly changing pandemic. And this is one example of something you evidently thought was promised by Fauci, but as I've shown, he never did. The closest anyone ever came to a promise was "two weeks to flatten the curve," which in retrospect was a poor way to sell it. It should have been "two weeks to possibly avert an Italy or Iran level of catastrophe and then we'll take it day by day from there," but I guess that didn't have the same ring. And that was a whole thing during the lockdowns. Everyone demanded DeWine tell them when it would all be over, and unsurprisingly he never did. Because he didn't know. He got raked over the coals for not making promises.
I should add, I'm just doing google searches based on time windows, first in May, then early March, and then for the above post early April. But Fauci was always clear that the need for boosters was a possibility. Here he is in December: And again:
I mean, I can't go back much further than that, and you're asking Fauci to predict how effective a vaccine will be 6 months out when it hasn't even existed for that long. eta: I'll just drop links from around the time I got my 2nd shot in early April: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/15/dr-fauci-when-we-will-need-booster-shots-for-covid-vaccine-timeline.html https://www.deseret.com/coronavirus/2021/4/12/22380189/dr-fauci-booster-shot-covid-19-vaccine https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/547642-fauci-says-we-may-all-need-booster-shots-a-year https://www.fox5dc.com/news/fauci-says-variants-are-wild-card-in-covid-19-booster-vaccine-equation https://time.com/5955500/covid-19-vaccine-booster-shot/
Fauci talking about boosters in early March And again: Which I believe, but I can't confirm, are both repeating information from this WH press conference on March 3rd, where Fauci also said: Cool?
How can I prove he didn't say something? Here, I did a google search for all the times he said those things and here are the results:
You mean Jeb Fauci, the drunk you hang out with at the bar? Because Dr. Fauci never said either of those things.
I don't think it's going to be that easy. The problem is that the law Kyle was charged with was contradicted by another law that described the type of weapons minors were allowed to have. You can't very well have a law that says "Minors can't own guns" and then another section that describes the type of guns that minors are allowed to own without leading to confusion. But there's no law contradicting "Minors aren't allowed to purchase guns", nor is there a law contradicting "You are not allowed to give a gun to a minor." Now a lawyer may argue that having a law saying minors are allowed to have a certain type of gun, but they can't purchase or be given said gun, is nonsense, but that would just be the the way it is -- minors could posses a type of weapon that they have no way of legally acquiring. And that seems to be the case. But I'm not a lawyer, so who knows. Regardless, the feds have him dead to rights on the straw purchase if they ever want to charge that, and it's certainly not any moral absolution that Dominick and Kyle both thought that what they were doing was illegal and they did it anyway. Hopefully Kyle is a good bro and lets some of his Tucker Carlson money trickle down to his dumbass friend.
Especially since he confessed on the stand that he and Kyle had talked about how they knew it was illegal. Someone get that poor kid at least a state rep internship.
That'd be a federal charge I think, but that charge hasn't been brought (yet). He's been charged with 2 counts of supplying a firearm to a minor in WI, up to 3 years each. He's very fucked.
I feel bad for the kid who illegally purchased Rittenhouse's rifle. He's basically fucked and nobody seems to be offering him congressional internships.
Calling someone a snowflake is bad, calling them a pedophile sympathizer is OK. Got it. Otis will be along shortly to call you out for slinging shit. That's his thing.
Kill kill kill!
Remember when everyone got pissed off that I called people snowflakes and dolts? Mean words hurt. Sometimes. I think. I guess it depends. Someone explain the rules to me. Can I call people names again?
Racial slurs and bloodlust. Page 24 delivers. Stay classy CR.
Doing some cursory reading, seems like the challenge now is to develop payloads that can withstand the G forces that this generates. No small task, but then, neither was building a giant slingshot.
Self defense is an affirmative defense, so that's exactly how it works. It's one of the rare cases in our legal system where you effectively lose the presumption of innocence and have to prove it in court.
Is that a factory color? It looks really good.