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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Man I called him a dolt, I'm so mean. Sorry Green Bastard I didn't understand I was being so harsh. Please don't kill yourself because of my super intense internet bullying. Gotta love CR. I'm sure he's a good dude and I'm sure he doesn't need you white knighting for him. He can defend his decision if he wants, and I can tell him it's a dumb decision. We'll be OK. I swear you think I'm always over here raging at the keyboard or something.
  2. Did your doctor tell you not to get the jab?
  3. It's perfectly fine to be uneasy with the vaccine but covid is a known threat. You're avoiding a proven solution to a real problem out of fear of a problem that doesn't exist yet.
  4. Buckle up snowflake because the vaccine is great at keeping most people from dying but covid is here to stay. We're not gonna hit herd immunity if the thing keeps mutating like it does. Maybe what you said made sense pre-delta but it ain't 2020 anymore. Don't be a dolt.
  5. 75 percent of American adults have had at least one shot but go ahead and be special snowflakes. Just don't expect me to give a shit when you or your loved ones end up drawing the short straw.
  6. The experts who know more than you have looked at the data and concluded that getting the vaccine is beneficial even for those who have already had covid. They say that your antibodies now are not superior to how your antibodies will be after the shot. So get the vaccine you dolt. You're not smarter than all of those scientists and doctors.
  7. Here you go Otis. Get vaccinated everyone.
  8. Texas school system closes after 2 teachers die of COVID I hope you're all vaccinated by now. I just had a coworker miss 3 weeks of work because COVID was putting him in and out of the hospital for that long. 51, former college track star and avid outdoorsman. He's a Trump lovin', gun shootin', beer drinkin' self-described redneck so I thought for sure he did this to himself by being anti-vax, but to my surprise not only was he fully vaccinated, but he's now very vocal about his belief that the vaccine is the only reason he's not dead. I know reddit is having a field day with the r/HermanCainAwards but it's absolutely tragic to see so many people throw common sense out the window and die of what's now a preventable death. And don't take horse de-wormer. Take this seriously; Delta is not discriminating.
  9. NPR has been airing pretty much nothing but critical coverage of this clusterfuck for the last 2 weeks. That's pretty much the only "mainstream media" I consume but the other stuff I pick up here and there has all been extremely negative about Biden's handling of this, his goddawful press conferences, etc.
  10. Trump is Hillary in drag confirmed. Has anyone seen them in the same place at the same time? Other than the debates which were clearly deepfaked.
  11. Trump's big selling point is that he wasn't a politician. He was a straight-shootin' businessman who was going to "drain the swamp." Are you saying he's been deep state this whole time?
  12. Yeah everyone knew the ANA would crumble but evidently nobody put 2 and 2 together and realized that meant the Taliban would seize all of their equipment. Shocked Pikachu dot gif
  13. Sleepy Joe could have negated the deal if he'd wanted to. Who said he couldn't? Is this like when you didn't know the difference between ISIS and the Taliban? :-P
  14. It's not clear how much was abandoned and how much was just simply left with the ANA. It would not have been a good look for us to say to the Afghan Nat Army, "Sorry we're going to take our equipment with us because, let's face it, you're probably gonna surrender as soon as we leave and we don't want the Taliban to have it." I'd guess the vast majority of that $80B was equipment that we've spent over a decade training the ANA how to use, only for them to just shrug and walk away from it. eta: To expand on that, Trump negotiated a deal with the Taliban to end combat operations in Afghanistan. If Biden ordered drone strikes against ANA equipment depots before they fell into the hands of the Taliban, that's kind of a fucked up thing to do to the ANA. If he ordered drone strikes against those same equipment depots after the Taliban seized them, well, then we're violating the deal that Trump made by continuing to conduct combat operations in Afghanistan.
  15. Mace, this isn't a closed book test, you're allowed to pull up Wikipedia before posting things :-P (The Taliban were not around when the Russians invaded. In fact, they didn't emerge until after the fall of the Afghan communist government in the mid-90s, eventually taking control of the country. The US deposed the Taliban in 2001 when we invaded and fought them for 19 years until Trump negotiated a peace deal with them. It's... kinda been in the news for the last 2 decades or so...) Yes, shifting focus from a noble but ultimately doomed war in Afghanistan to an ill-conceived and immoral war in Iraq after less than 2 years of fighting was stupid, which is the point I think you're trying to make? But the Taliban is Pashtun and has nothing to do with any Sunni army, so I'm really not sure why you bring that up. Are you getting the Taliban and ISIS confused? ISIS is mostly Sunni. It's also nowhere near Afghanistan. I'm sure you're a perfectly pleasant person to have a beer with, but can you see why this makes me want to pull my hair out?
  16. Dammit Mace, I wasn't gonna post anything and then you go and say this.... You know posting something this monumentaly incorrect is going to bring me out of the woodwork.
  17. I was going to suggest a Bolt but I admittedly don't know anything about these battery recalls. I'm usually 100% in favor of "fix what you got" as being the cheapest solution, but 1000 miles a week and free charging at work turns this into a different question. Tesla cannot possibly be the answer but Bolts are dirt cheap compared to everything else on the used market. Maybe that's for a reason, but 50k miles per year means whatever he buys is going to be disposable anyway. Why shell out a shitload of money on a Model3 that's going to rack up those kinds of miles? A 2017 Bolt with 20k miles is like 20 grand or less right now. At 22mpg in the Scion, just the return trip from work every day costs him $300 a month. Free charging at work for the Bolt, even if it only covers that return trip, boom... that's his monthly payment. Free car.
  18. I can't believe Carmax is going to give you 15k for a Grand Cherokee with 117k miles. That seems hard to pass up. The premium on trucks and SUVs is nutty. From a financial perspective, sell both, buy a minivan or wagon or something.
  19. True, Bush tried it with steel. I'd forgotten that. The parties have indeed flipped on tariffs, with Democrats still being in favor of them in as late as those 2002 tariffs and Republicans rejecting them at the time as being anti-free trade. I will say, I think Democrats were wrong to be in favor of tariffs for decades, and Republicans are wrong to pivot to being in favor of them now. And that's not me being ideological, that's just me listening to the consensus of economists, who say that there's no evidence that they work. I'm a simple man that way. Both parties do promote policies that intend to encourage domestic production. Democrats push hard for grants and loans to promote manufacturing in burgeoning industries (e.g. the Green New Deal) while Republicans never met a tax break they didn't like, even if it's for a dying industry that has no hope of recovery (e.g. coal). Both parties will bend over and take it up the ass from corporate interests. But neither party has a plan for, say, bringing iPhone production back to the US, because that ship has sailed. I don't think any government policy can bring that sort of manufacturing here short of full-on socialism, where the government would own the means of production. And full-on socialists don't have any political power here.
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