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Posts posted by greg1647545532

  1. I'd get the vaccine, i'm not afraid of it at all. I just doubt it's efficacy and I don't want to be a digital passport.


    I think that's my concern about this passport idea. I don't doubt the vaccines' efficacy in the period studied, because those studies show that they're effective. But the period studied is still short, we don't know how long immunity will last, and we don't know what happens after a few months if a vaccinated person gets COVID again. Is it worse? More virulent somehow?


    Once I get the vaccine I plan on continuing to limit my activities until the country has control of the spread. We don't need a bunch of dumbasses out there thinking they're invincible because they got a vaccine 6 months prior and starting this whole thing all over again.

  2. The survey was conducted by SurveyMonkey so presumably it was an internet survey. It was paid for by a travel website, but it doesn't that the survey was conduct among the website users, so it could be the internet population at large?


    All the numbers I'm seeing are that somewhere between 50 and 60% of Americans are refusing the vaccine outright, so I don't think those survey results can be extrapolated.


    eta: According to the byline the travel website is run by a former math professor and is devoted to a statistical analysis of travel data, but I stand by my statement above that the real number must be much smaller.

  3. Now that's interesting, most news outlets didn't report it that way and the majority of people saw it as an all in one deal.


    Yeah, the reporting was pretty weak overall, I myself was confused and didn't realize what was going on until I looked into it. Something about the "stimulus dollars are going to foreign aid" line that Trump and Trumpublicans were using didn't pass the smell test. The question is why they were spreading that bit of misinformation. Nothing really made sense about it, since the bill had bipartisan support at that point and the $2000 checks that Trump wanted were dead in the water because of McConnell. Why intentionally confuse the public, then? I still don't know.

  4. The pork in the $600 check bill has been looked over and justified. Just think if all that money was actually used to help people in America?


    Trump caused a lot of confusion over the $600 stimulus bill. It was passed as part of the general annual appropriations bill.


    Here's some background.


    The president has the financial numbers right when it comes to spending for foreign governments and domestic budgets unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic.


    However, he has conflated the COVID-19 economic relief package with the government’s omnibus spending bill.


    That bill known as the Consolidated Appropriations act of 2021, is what congress passed this week. It costs roughly $2.3 trillion.


    Here’s how it breaks down: $1.4 trillion will fund the government for the next year. That includes budgets for domestic and foreign spending. Then Congress added $900 billion for COVID-19 economic relief.


    In other words, Congress used one Legislative Act to pass two pieces of funding legislation.


    While the president is right about the government spending, he is wrong to say the COVID-19 relief money is going to foreign governments and domestic budgets. It’s just part of a larger spending bill.

  5. Perhaps a proper investigation, due process, would have been a better way of handling this. Nope, just a shameful piece of political theatre.


    Do you realize that the impeachment trial in the senate is where the exact due process that you're asking about happens? Fucking hell, all these motherfuckers didn't pay attention in 8th grade civics and look where it got us.

  6. Extreme Biden supporters should also be squashed. Where to draw the line? While we’re at it let’s just start squashing all supporters. No athletic supporters either. Free dem boobs.


    LOL at extreme Sleepy Joe supporters. Never seen the Biden train rolling down the freeway with giant Biden flags, are they all driving Priuses?

  7. Trump failed at getting the corrupt career politicians out....oh well, let's hope Beijing Biden, the plagiarist, the liar, the racist, the corrupt, the creep will do better. Fingies crossed!


    gillbot, we got a side-picker here. Get 'em!!!!!

  8. I'm glad Trump is gone, he's a failed experiment in having a non-political person try to run a country. He thought he was the smartest person in the room and didn't surround himself with people that helped him, even if he did I don't think he would have listened.


    Trump wasn't the problem! Both sides are bad. You hate on Trump, me, I'm just sitting here like "I think you're all crazy."



  9. My thought is, the two party system was originally intended to contrast and allow for discussion and COMPROMISE.


    The two party system wasn't ever intended. It's just something that happens in a democracy. The founders just didn't do enough to prevent it, even though some of the tried.



    Nobody likes the 2 party system, and I'd go so far as to say nobody likes their own party. There's just no way that 2 parties are going to satisfy anyone. This isn't news, everyone fucking hates the polarization. But here's where I'm at.


    Let's say you're a sailor on the HMS Bounty, and the first mate stages a mutiny. See, the Captain wants to go deliver the cargo to the port and get paid to buy more rum, and the first mate wants to divert to go get more rum now. I dunno, I'm not a pirate. Slowly but surely your fellow sailors fall in line either behind the Captain or the First Mate. You and your bunkmate, though, you're above all this. The two of you don't give a shit as long as you have 3 hots and a cot. High fives all around!


    But then, during the squabbling, the Bounty runs aground on a sandbar. The First Mate says, "Aye, let's dig ourselves off of this sandbar and then we can go off to get more rum!" And the Captain says, "Sandbars aren't real, we'll get moving eventually if we can just figure out what's wrong with the sails." Well you, being an experienced sailor, know that you're not getting off that sandbar until you dig yourselves out, barring some unpredictable storm coming by and giving you the push you need.


    So you talk to your bunkmate. "I think we ought to listen to the first mate on this one. And if we have to go along with his plan to get more rum now, well, that's just something we'll accept in order to get ourselves unstuck from this sandbar." And your bunkmate replies, "I THINK BOTH SIDES ARE STUPID."

  10. I can't believe that someone in this thread said that BLM and antifa can and should commit political violence directed at our elected officials, including killing police officers who get in the way, in order to remind them that they should fear the people, and CR didn't jump all over him.


    I don't know what's real anymore.

  11. It seems you've proven my point though, that this question can't be answered without finger pointing, and "but Trump did that!". Trump is an idiot, but the all or nothing politics of both sides are exhausting.


    Sorry, I misunderstood your post I guess.


    I'll be an asshole and point out that this:


    I don't agree in any way with what was done on Jan 6, but... Libs absolutely overlook the destruction that took place in 2020


    Seems to be the exact same finger pointing that you're tired of.

  12. So what happened at the capitol on the 6th. I just wanted to say that I don't agree with why it happened, however I am glad it did. I believe our government has too much power as it is and they need to be reminded that they are supposed to fear the people, not the other way around.


    You're glad about that cop getting beaten to death?

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