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Posts posted by greg1647545532

  1. It might not become available, see.


    The turkey is in the oven. It is not yet a Thanksgiving dinner. It looks good, and I sure hope it will be a delicious meal. If it does end up becoming a delicious meal, I will partake. But right now it is a half-cooked bird, and anyone who says dinner is ready is lying. Dinner is not ready, because it has not finished cooking.

  2. So either Trump lied or Pfizer announced a 90% effective cure today. Which one was it..


    Trump lied. The vaccine is not ready. Pfizer announced the results of one of their clinical trials. There is still more work to do, but the results of the clinical trial were promising.


    eta: Literally the only person calling it a cure, or a miracle cure, or a 90% cure, is you.

  3. Imagine dedicating your life to doing medical research to cure diseases, and then there's a huge disease that is crippling the world, and you do your job as good as you can because you really want to make a difference, and you get some really good news, and that news go out, and then chodes on the internet go


    SeEms cONvEnIenT tIMinG

  4. There still seems to be an open issue whether it was human error or a software glitch that caused the issue. However, by law MI compares the printed tapes to the electronic results in order to certify the results and that process caught this error as well. If the same issue existed in other counties it would be caught too. Because of this I am not sure if this rises to the level of "evidence of fraud or error" that would be necessary to trigger a recount.


    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


    Right, and this is how it would go down in court. Trump's lawyers will say, "Look at this glitch." And the lawyers from the county will say, "Yes, there was a glitch, but our standard validation procedures caught it and it was corrected." And Trump's lawyers will say, "But there could be other glitches." And lawyers from the county will say, "Our standard validation procedures would have caught them like it caught this one." And then the judge will look at Trump's lawyers and ask them if they have any actual evidence, they won't, and the case will get thrown out.


    That's just the reality of how this will go. Nerds will then analyze the software logs to try and figure out what happened and make sure it won't happen again. I hope they get to the bottom of it. These sorts of glitches are not good. But you can't just point to one and then infer that a whole election is invalid without a lot of steps in between.

  5. You could be 100% correct - but I personally think there’s been some Tom foolery and someone should should be able to answer 48.9% of the countries questions.


    Would you be against a recount of mail in ballots with a dem and republican verifying each vote? If your answer is yes, you would be against that, then your not interested in truth, your interest more in beating Trump.


    This is a dumb question. What mail-in ballots would we be re-counting? All states? How long will that take? Who will pay for it?


    You can't just ask for a recount if you lose. If the tally is close then most states have some mechanism for a recount, sometimes automatic and sometimes the loser has to request it. Of course I am OK with recounts in those cases.


    If credible evidence is presented of malfeasance, negligence, or mistakes, then a judge may grant a recount. Of course I am OK with recounts in those cases.


    Are you aware that democrats and republicans are, were, and always have been present during the initial count of mail-in ballots? Of course observers from both parties should be allowed to watch any recounts that may happen.



    What you CAN'T do is waste everyone's time and money recounting all votes because of a "personal feeling" that there's some "tomfoolery." Otherwise elections would never end. Facts don't care about your... I forget how it goes. Maybe someone can help me out.



    So yes, if Trump turns up credible evidence of tomfoolery then by all means, lets get to the bottom of it. After the pathetic 2016 Voter Integrity Commission, which was obviously never a serious attempt at uncovering voter fraud, and after 4 or 5 of Trump's lawsuits have already been thrown out, mostly by Republican judges, for a complete lack of evidence, the only question is, why does anyone give this guy the time of day? He's always been full of shit.


    eta: Quit being a pussy, put me in my place. Take the bet now.

  6. Holy shit you're... serious? I thought you were just trolling, but you're really still not aware that Trump is an incompetent conman? That "The Trump campaign’s strategy to file a barrage of lawsuits challenging President-elect Joe Biden’s win is more about providing President Donald Trump with an off-ramp for a loss he can’t quite grasp and less about changing the election’s outcome"?


    All right then, I'll await tomorrow's bombshells with bated breath.

  7. After the 2016 election when Donald Trump declared that there were between 3 and 5 million illegal votes cast (because he couldn't handle the humiliation of having lost the popular vote by that much), he formed the Voter Integrity Commission and put Mike Pence in charge of getting to the bottom of it.


    The committee met twice, found nothing, and eventually was forced by a lawsuit to turn over what was basically an empty draft report (no report was ever issued).


    Boy, I can't WAIT to see what the Trump administration will turn up THIS time.

  8. hahahha let the circle jerk begin!


    How many snarky comments have I earned after the near circle jerk on election night? When I was apparently too busy "researching voter fraud on reddit" to post on CR.


    The irony is too much sometimes. Never change, CR.

  9. greg ..if you can find it I've said many time trump should stay off twitter and stfu. He was president but still acted as if he was in the private world.


    No I know, you and lots of people have said "Boy, I sure wish he would just get off Twitter!" As if his hateful and ignorant thoughts weren't the problem, but the fact that he was saying them out loud was.

  10. Trump is a coarse man, no doubt. As much as I believe in libertarianism, I still couldn’t bring myself to vote against Trump. I am proud to have voted for him 3 times, he pisses people off, so what? If nothing else he is trying to do a job, right or wrong he’s making waves and that’s what the country needs. Shake things up and get things to move. He forces people to react and that forces changes.


    Have any of the waves Trump made advanced the likelihood of a 3rd party gaining ground? Has he pushed for ranked choice voting? Proportional representation?


    There's a difference between making waves with a speedboat and just throwing a rock in the middle of the lake.

  11. In the last few pages we've learned that Trump is a dick (Mace), an idiot (RedRocket), and someone who sometimes can't even act like an adult (Panduh). Which is strange, because here I've been told that not wanting an idiot asshole child to lead our country makes me an libtard crybaby with Trump Derangement Syndrome who only thinks that way because of a liberal echo chamber. I guess outside the echo chamber people just don't mind that Trump is an idiot asshole child?


    Trump was never going to fix anything long term because Trump lacked the aptitude to do so. If you want to end the two-party system you need to support things like ranked choice voting and proportional representation, things that have actually been proven in real-world experiments monitored by, yes, experts in their fields, to have an effect. Things that, currently, to the best of my knowledge, only Democrats are experimenting with. Things that Trump was never going to be capable of pushing for because he doesn't know what they are, and doesn't care to learn. Trump only cares about things that benefit Donald J. Trump.


    It is, of course, no surprise that the rats are now jumping ship. "Well it was worth a shot," say the people who let a bull loose in a china shop. But was it? In some ways things are going to go back to "normal," now -- Biden will undo all of Trump's executive actions and begin rebuilding the executive branch institutions that Trump tried to starve of leadership and resources. In other ways, things will never be the same. Will Biden comply with any congressional subpoenas for oversight of the executive branch? Why would he? Trump has shown that you don't have to. Will the next Republican president get any ounce of cooperation from a Democratic senate? Of course not.


    Trump didn't start the political divisiveness in this country, but he amplified it in ways we've never seen before. And now that it looks like his era of dickish, childish, idiot-like behavior is over, the best we can get out of voters who enabled him is a shrug. Wonderful.



    Out of curiosity, how have the markets reacted to a likely Biden victory, and why was everyone but Clay so wrong about it? Interesting, right?

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