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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Whoa, who said anything about the government confiscating all of its citizens guns? I certainly didn't. Are you having this discussion in good faith, because that's not a good sign.
  2. I've already stated what I'd like to see happen. You've correctly pointed out that America as a whole won't get on board with my plan. I don't think any other strategies will work. So I don't think there's any way to prevent future mass shootings. They will just keep happening as long as American gun culture doesn't change. Clear enough for you? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Yeah, that won't work. You're right, there's no way to prevent this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Maybe gun owners could just voluntarily get rid of their guns, putting the greater good over their own personal fears and self-interest, thus prompting a massive cultural shift in American attitudes towards private ownership of AR-15s and similar rifles, tanking the market for civilian ownership of such rifles, and thereby reducing the odds of a mentally ill person having access to one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
  6. Trump is such a cuck, he professes to stand for the rights of accused wife beaters but then fires them anyway when the public pressure gets too intense. Grow a pair and stand by your convictions loser.
  7. Of course not, that's a myth. Gun rights advocates have figured this out, right? The cops aren't under any duty to protect you. They're under no particular duty to enforce any laws. How can they tell if someone's here illegally? Webbed feet? Are you here legally? How would you prove it if you got pulled over? What steps would you expect local law enforcement take to verify your legal status?
  8. Do you think state and local agencies partner with federal agencies for the benefit of the federal agencies? Or do they do it in order to leverage the big pockets of the federal government for helping enforce their own laws? Would it make sense for state police in Colorado to help the DEA enforce marijuana laws? Can you ever see that happening? Why not? Can you cite a single example of the kind of cooperation you're talking about where the criminal behavior in question isn't illegal at both federal and state/local levels? If Colorado authorities aren't expected to team up with the DEA to enforce pot prohibition, why would they be expected to team up with ICE for anything? Lol, OK Nancy. Yeah, safe to say a lot of people don't live in constant fear of illegal aliens the way you do.
  9. Local authorities don't enforce federal drug laws. Local authorities do say "fuck it" to all federal laws. Do you really not know how legal jurisdiction works? What point are you trying to make here?
  10. Should states start enforcing federal marijuana laws too?
  11. Stock market's broken. This is not Trump's fault.
  12. By the way, you've been awfully quiet about the memo after I asked you what you think it accomplished.
  13. Nationality = country of origin, I never said race. Try to keep up. Sure. Most legal immigrants already have to jump through various hoops like that, and I really have no issue with making them jump through whatever hoops you want. I mean, those are probably terrible hoops to be honest, but to be fair you're not qualified to make the hoops and I'm not qualified to critique them. But if your general problem is hoops, then by all means, hoops it is. I mean, have you seen the requirements for DACA recipients? My god, I'm not sure if I could have satisfied them when I was younger. Those guys are fucking rockstars by your standards. My big problem is that there's no way for the vast majority of would-be-immigrants to even access the hoops, which is why we have all kinds of people overstaying their visas and whatnot.
  14. Do you think that nationality is a good indicator of whether or not someone is going to be a leech? Isn't this the same xenophobic argument that people have been making for centuries? "We can't let all of these Italians come in, they're a bunch of leeches!" Which plank of the Libertarian platform does pre-judging people based on their nationality come from? eta: Throughout history, nobody has been lining up at our door from first world countries. To Trump's point about Norway, we don't get a lot of Norwegian immigrants because Norway isn't poor and they're all pretty content with their socialized healthcare and high quality of living. We get immigrants from poor countries because they want a better life. Wanting a better life and being willing to uproot yourself and your family to get it is, IMHO, a pretty good indicator of whether or not someone is going to end up being productive. And I think the data over 200 years of American history bears this out.
  15. You seem to think that immigrants use public assistance at a higher rate than other groups (and a substantially higher rate at that). I don't believe that's factually accurate. If I'm right about the facts, would that change your opinion?
  16. Other countries do it, but I think having much more open immigration policies is something that made America unique and great. I'm not sure I'd agree that other countries do it for a "good reason." I think a lot of it is xenophobia, even (especially?) in progressive countries. It just seems that we've dealt with massive influxes of immigrants in the past, and based on my understanding of history, people have always said, "yes, we treated those past immigrants badly and that was wrong, but this wave of immigrants is different." And then 50 years pass and we decide that that wave of immigrants wasn't actually different, and we like them now. Nobody is advocating for irresponsible and unsafe immigration, naturally. And I understand my desire for essentially open borders (keep out the terrorists and felons but let anyone else in if they want) puts me out on a libertarian fringe, but I hope you understand that it's not based on anything other than a sincere belief that free and open immigration policies have and will continue to make America a better place.
  17. Pfft, this is nothing compared to the icy steppes of Siberia. Fucking cold, man.
  18. Thank you for that perspective. It's interesting to me, this modern conservative view of immigration seems like an admittance that the American dream I learned about as a kid is BS. (The American dream, of course, being a contrast of the class system of feudal England, where your lot in life was determined by your family's position in society. Rather, in America, it didn't matter who your parents were, or how much money they had, or your race/religion/nationality; anybody could become anybody). Not that the erosion of the American dream is a conservative viewpoint, I think progressives have been shouting for years about how the American dream doesn't actually apply to a lot of underprivileged classes, but there was always a lot of pushback from conservatives about how the various success stories prove that it's still true. And yet, here we have a modern approach, which says yes, it does matter who your parents are, and how much money they have, and if you don't meet those minimum qualifications then it doesn't matter how hard you work, you probably won't succeed here, so we shouldn't let you in lest you become a drain on public resources. That's how it feels, at least. Maybe it's true, but it just doesn't describe the American I want to live in. But again, I do appreciate the perspective.
  19. Just to be clear, one of your best friends is a pristine example of a poor immigrant who started with nothing, was afforded a shot at the American dream, and turned out to be a stellar member of society, and you still support policies that would have prevented him from coming here in the first place? Fucking cold, man.
  20. A qualified mechanic and fabricator to keep in the corner.
  21. This doesn't make any sense. If Carter Page was working with the FBI he could just let them tap his phones and give them access to whatever they want, and they wouldn't have had to document it all with the FISA court...
  22. What do you think the memo accomplished? Trey Gowdy said that the memo shouldn't have any affect on Mueller's investigation and that it should continue unimpeded, but that problems with FISA warrants should be looked into, or something to that effect. I see no problem with that stance, do you?
  23. Solar and wind aren't cost effective in Ohio yet. +12 on looking for other areas to improve efficiency.
  24. I know, it's such a pain. I'm always like, "Look, I need to buy this crate of magnum condoms to keep on my yacht for all the super models coming to my party this weekend, just give me my money."
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